Huntington Vocalists Named All-Eastern
January 6, 2025
Huntington High School senior Liva Camarata and junior Rachel Huth are at the top of their game. The two vocalist stars have been named to the National Association for Music Education’s Eastern Division treble chorus honors ensemble.

Ms. Camarata is an All-Eastern Soprano I selection and Ms. Huth is an All-Eastern Alto II pick. A treble chorus is typically comprised of a group of singers with voices found in the highest ranges of music, usually in the soprano and alto ranges.
The All-Eastern honors ensembles include Jazz and Modern Band, Mixed and Treble Chorus and Band and Orchestra. Conference organizers were swamped with more than 2,000 applications form performers
The big event rotates between northeastern states biannually. Connecticut will play host in 2025 with the Eastern Division Conference on April 24-26 at the Connecticut Convention Center.
Ms. Camarata and Ms. Huth can look forward to:

• Inspiring sessions on relevant topics in music education
• Performances by student and professional ensembles
• A research component for collegiates and professors in the field of music education
• A Tri-M Music Honor Society component for middle and high Tri-M students and their advisors/teachers
• Exhibit hall featuring music industry vendors from across the country
“Connecticut is thrilled to welcome music educators, professionals, performers, students and families to Hartford this April 24-27, 2025 for what is sure to be an amazing weekend of new learning and performances,” organizers said.