Washington School Promotes Its No. 1 Expectation
March 3, 2025
Washington Primary School has been around a very long time; 71 years to be precise. It’s No. 1 expectation has remained “Be Kind to Others: Say words that make others feel good!”
“Over 70 students were able to complete the week long Kindness Challenge,” Washington Principal Michelle Richards said. “Those students were recognized at a special assembly where they received a certificate, Kindness Ambassador badge and a special prize. RTI math teachers Leticia Cuthbertson and Taylor Phengthavone curated the Kindness Challenge for our Washington Winners.”
The Kindness Challenge encompassed acts such as smile at your bus driver and tell them they rock; offer to help someone clean up a mess; say hello to someone new; hold the door for someone.
There are four months left in the school year at Washington and every day counts. This week kicks off the school’s annual Pick a Reading Partner initiative that stimulates student reading. The Washington Primary School PTA will meet on Wednesday, March 5 at 6:30 p.m. Next Thursday and Friday, March 13-14 is Washington’s 2025 Book Fair. A special Dinner Night is planned for Friday, April 4 at 6:30 p.m. The Washington Primary School PTA will meet again on Wednesday, April 9 at 6:30 p.m.