Washington Students Learn About Computer Tech
January 30, 2025
What are inputs and outputs? How do humans interact with computer hardware? Just ask a Washington Primary School first grader! These young learners came together to create a model computer packed with hardware, such as speakers, screens, cameras and more.
“Using their creative imaginations, a shoebox transformed into a monitor and keyboard, while pipe cleaners became wires connecting DIY computer mice and headphones,” library media specialist Rebecca Kraus said. “Through hands-on exploration, students discovered that without computer hardware, we wouldn’t be able to type, hear sounds, record voices, or enjoy the many functions that make computers such valuable tools in our lives.”
The learning didn’t stop there. Students took their understanding further by identifying each component as part of either computer inputs or outputs. For example, they learned that keyboards are input devices because we use them to type commands and communicate with computers. In first-grader terms, inputs are how people tell computers what to do, while outputs are what computers produce; things we can see, hear, or feel as a result of those inputs.:
“This engaging lesson not only made the complexities of computer systems simple and fun but also laid the foundation for a lasting appreciation of technology,” Ms. Kraus said. “With their newfound knowledge, these first graders are well on their way to becoming future tech-savvy problem-solvers.”