Finley Boys’ Volleyball Ready for New Season
January 8, 2025
The J. Taylor Finley Middle School boys’ volleyball team is returning for its fourth season since being reinstated in 2022 following an absence of many years. Tryouts will begin on Monday, January 13.
The squad will be coached by Huntington High School physical education teacher Eric Mininni, who has coached on the varsity, JV and middle school levels during his career.
The team will be bused immediately after school to Woodhull Intermediate School, where it practices in the gym there. Games will be played in the Finley gym. A Hudl camera has been installed in the Finley gym so games can be livestreamed and viewed on the Finley Blue Devil Sports YouTube channel.
Send a message to Coach Mininni at for more information if you are interested in playing. No previous experience is necessary.
A 10 meet schedule has been issued by Section XI. It looks like a great year lies ahead. Meets have been scheduled at home with Hauppauge, Northport, West Hollow, Candlewood and East Northport. Away contests have been set with Commack-Gold, Stimson-Maroon, Lindenhurst-White, West Babylon and West Islip-Udall.
The first meet will be held in the Finley gym on January 31 at 4 p.m. against visiting Hauppauge. The season wraps up with a meet on March 14 at East Northport at 5 p.m.
Those interested in participating in the Winter Season II sports program need to be cleared by school nurse Kay Khohkar. Students must present proof of a physical exam within the past 12 months and submit a signed interval health history form.
Every student needs to get re-qualified by the school nurse for each sport season. The nurse can only clear those who have completed a physical exam within the past 12 months and who present an interval health history form. Questions should be directed to Finley nurse Kay Khokhar at
The nurse requires the following forms to be on file:
1. Required NYS Health Examination Form (click for link)
Physical exams can be performed by private doctor or school doctor and are valid for one year.
2. Interval Health History for Sports Participation (English/Spanish) (click for link)
A new form is required for each season; must be completed by parent/guardian, signed in ink and dated within 30 days of the start of the season.
Mininni has been a Huntington physical education teacher since September 1998. A graduate of Oceanside High School, he obtained an undergraduate degree at Towson State University in athletic training and physical education and a master’s degree at Adelphi University in health. He completed his administrative certification through Stony Brook University.
Mr. Minnini has coached varsity softball, middle school, junior varsity and varsity boys’ and girls’ volleyball, middle school boys’ track and field, junior varsity girls’ tennis and middle school boys’ tennis.
Questions: Contact athletic director Jim Hoops at or call the athletic office at 631.673.2018.