HHS Recognizes Students with Perfect Attendance
February 28, 2025
The recent celebration in the Huntington High School cafeteria honoring students with perfect attendance during the second marking period and with the most improved attendance was a festive affair by any standard.
Students with the best attendance came together and enjoyed conversation along with bagels, cookies, juice and water. The event drew Superintendent Beth McCoy, Assistant Superintendents Brenden Cusack and Dr. Rubie Harris and Director of Counseling and Testing, K-12 Dr. Ricky V. Papandrea Jr.
Students were called by name to the front of the cafeteria and presented with certificates and pins by Principal Rochelle C. Brown and Assistant Principals Trish Avelli and Gamal Smith.
“It has been an honor to begin this initiative of recognizing students for coming to school every day and those who have improved their attendance to make positive strides,” Ms. Brown said. “It is heartwarming to see how many students show dedication in coming every day. I look forward to the number of students increasing as the years go by.”
Officials provided students with short inspirational remarks before congratulating them for “showing up” every day for ten weeks.
The Most Improved category was specifically created to recognize students “who have shown significant, positive changes in their attendance for the quarter.”
The award recipients include:
Most Improved:
Franklin Marroquin Contreras
Flor Mencos Cruz
Walter Mejia Guardad
Grade 9:
Erick Anariba Avila
Gabriela Avalos
David Beltran
Wilmer Benitez Flores *
Bella Bernzweig *
Jacob Boxer *
Hanna Boyle
Charles Broderick *
Bryanna Chavez Valencia *
Hailey Collins *
Jeremiah Dasque DeLeon *
Cormac Driscoll *
Hennie England
Amyah Escalona
Nori Flores Reyes *
Dante Francis *
Bryce Gilroy *
Mia Giugliano *
Sabino Gomez Morales *
Khloe Graham
Sayra Granados Moreira
Paul Grasso *
Michael Grover *
Christian Guandique
Joseph Herman
Iliana Jarmolowski
Isis Jezel Jimenez *
Brianna Jimenez Leon *
Yann Laguerre *
Nicolas Martinez Eubig
Jory Morgan-Page
James Moy *
Geovany Reyes Molina
Darcy Rimkunas
Sneijder Salas Santisteban *
Henry Schmid
Tulsi Singh *
Hailey Stone
Alexander Velasquez *
Grade 10:
Cynthia Acosta Ramos *
Jasmine Adcock *
Lindsey Araujo Hernandez *
Julian Canales
David Colocho Velasquez
David Cruz Ponce *
Addison Delfino *
Chace Dipina *
Ronan Driscoll *
Freddy Duchi Chimbo
Mia Einemann *
Leighton Evans
Madelyn Falk
Anya Goleski
Isabella Goutevenier
Alison Hahn
Eric Heinz *
Greyson Henderson
Kevin Hernandez Gamez
Sophie Hoffman *
Brando Leon *
Cole Lima
Dennis McCook *
Marilyn Mendoza Virula *
McKenzie Moore *
Casey Myers *
Adan Ntambwe *
Alyson Ramirez Escobar *
Jesmy Ramos Zuniga
Samuel Rivera Umanzor *
Ameera Seydu *
Owen Stevens
Alex Velasquez Escalante *
Alexander Velasquez Lopez
Grade 11:
Diego Baires Chavez
Kiley Barch *
Kellee Benitez
Josue Castro Salazar *
Aris Cruz Guevara *
Isabella Cruz Ponce *
Connor DiBenedetto
Ryan Donovan
Alexander Dumas
Carlos Figueroa *
Victa Flores-Ortez
Wynne Franciscovich *
Dago Garcia Lazo *
Oliver Gerberg
Erika Hernandez Veliz *
Ruby Hoffman *
Mark Ingram
Matthew James *
Spencer James *
Matthew Jimenez *
Carlos Lazo Cuchels *
Naomi Lyons *
Cecilena Monge Moreira
Arly Moreira Portillo
Kohana Nakamura
Andrew Ochoa Islas
Luis Orrego Salinas
Caleb Palermo *1
Shariff Penalo *
Vincent Pupillo
Anderson Saravia
Jaipreet Singh *
Ronan Sosnowski *
Carver Van Kirk
Grade 12:
Anthony Addeo
Julia Aldas
Logan Apelsinov
Isabella Careccia-Johnson
Stephanie Chavez-Menjivar
Jose Diaz Gamez
Madeline Francis
Chase Gadaire
Thomas Galicia-Martinez
Felicity George
Abigail Gerberg *
David Granados Gomez
Amalia Heinz
Emily Jimenez
Angelina Marcelino-LaQua
Laurie Moise
Martin Rodriguez Sandoval
Kaylee Smalling
Thomas Smith *
Benjamin Soric
Myah Urena *
Nahomy Villanueva Vasquez *
“ * ” Denotes perfect attendance for both the 1st and second quarter