Huntington senior Brittany Lopez Berrios is making college and career plans.
Huntington senior Brittany Lopez Berrios is making college and career plans.

Brittany Lopez Berrios Works Hard to Make a Difference

February 27, 2025

Ask Brittany Lopez Berrios a question and you can expect to get an honest answer. The Huntington High School junior is an enthusiastic young woman full of hopes and dreams.

“My experience in Huntington has been a mix of fun and challenges,” Ms. Lopez Berrios said. “I’m going to be honest; when I was a freshman, I struggled a lot coming to school and being motivated to do anything. Then sophomore year came along and I decided to join wrestling and it impacted my life so much. It motivated me to come to school and get good grades.”

The teenager said her junior year was still a struggle and that she felt lost as if “it was too late to turn things around.” But then a change swept over Ms. Lopez Berrios.

“Senior year came and something just switched up inside of me,” she said. “I wanted to make a difference and help other people who dealt with the same thing as me. I remember going into the main office and asking how I can get an internship. They told me it was too late and that I could try to go speak with Ms. [Eileen] Gonzalez who runs the internship program with Ms. [Camille] Tedeschi. I went to her office and spoke to her to see what we can work out and she told me that the principal, Ms. [Rochelle] Brown was very interested in having an intern. I had a meeting with Ms. Brown a couple of days after and she gave me the amazing opportunity to become her intern. Working with Ms. Brown has taught me many valuable lessons and skills. Her kindness and support has pushed me to grow and improve in so many ways. We have worked on many projects to improve the school and impact students’ lives.”

The senior is active with Huntington’s after school club program. She’s a member of the New World Club, Key Club, Art Honor Society, United Amigos, Political Action Committee, etc.

“These clubs are great if you want to help out in the community and make an impact,” Ms. Lopez Berrios said. “I am very grateful for all these opportunities given to me and I plan to keep trying to make a difference and help others.”

The teenager has plans to attend Nassau Community College and pursue a degree in the radiology technology program. “I want to become a pediatric radiologist,” she said. “I love working with kids and helping them feel safe, like in scary situations for example. Taking their x-ray to see if they have any health issue or even broken a bone.”

Ms. Lopez Berrios has volunteered as a translator on the primary school level and helped paint a mural at Jefferson Primary School.

“Whenever I get a chance I love to donate food and clothes to any program,” she said. “There is this project Ms. Brown and I are working on its called the Blue Market and Blutique. I am very excited to see the finished product.”

While the teenager is very busy with school and an assortment of activities, she still manages to hold down two jobs. “I work as a hostess and in an ice cream shop making ice cream from scratch,” she said. “It’s called Alkemy in Huntington village. It’s very smooth and melts in your mouth. I work Monday-Thursday and try to do doubles on Saturday and Sunday. I do this so I can help out my family and give my siblings anything they want or need since I didn’t have much growing up. That’s why I always try to donate because I know how hard it is to grow up with nothing.”

The senior said Huntington High School business teacher Bryan Outsen “has made a difference in her life” and she continues to be mentored and guided by the faculty member.

“Sophomore year is when I met Mr. Outsen,” Ms. Lopez Berrios said. “I was taking his business management class and he noticed I was barely showing up and not doing so great. We would meet during school during a free period and he would help me turn in all my missing assignments. I remember him giving me a big reality check on life and expecting me to do better. Ever since then he has helped me with whatever I needed, like applying to jobs, projects, how to manage my finances and also giving me life lessons. To  this day I still go to him whenever I have an issue with anything and he always manages to help me despite his crazy schedule. He never judged me once and always made me see other perspectives than my own. I think he is one of the most caring and real teachers here because he takes the time to check up on students who struggle a lot and find ways to help them improve. I am very grateful for everything he has done for me.”