Principal Traci Roethel addresses the new inductees and their family members.
Principal Traci Roethel addresses the new inductees and their family members.

Finley Honor Society Inducts 80 New Members

May 31, 2024

J. Taylor Finley Middle School’s National Junior Honor Society chapter embraced 80 new members during the organization’s induction ceremony before a crowd of parents and district officials earlier this week.

Faculty advisor Amanda Shaffer along with this year’s executive board was excited to bring dozens of new scholars into the group’s ranks. The incoming members are enthusiastic about joining an organization that has celebrated exceptional academic success at the school for nearly 60 years. Principal Traci Roethel smiled throughout the ceremony.

The new members have all compiled outstanding academic records through elementary school and seventh grade. They will complete their community service, leadership and citizenship requirements as eighth graders.

All of the new members compiled an academic average of at least 94 through the first three marking periods of seventh grade, wrote an essay about character and citizenship and received the endorsement of Finley’s faculty. The newly minted members received certificates commemorating their achievement.

Current members Violet Palacios, Bella Duke, Iliana Jarmolowski, Angela Abbatiello, Karina Rodriguez, Mille Ciccotto, Mackenzie McKay, Lia Zivkovic, Hannah Boyle, Ava Bencivenga, Cassidy Harris, James Markotsis and Rory McDermott all took on roles during the ceremony.

Finley Principal Traci Roethel offered warm words of congratulations to the exceptional seventh graders, welcoming them into the ranks of the school’s top scholars.

The new members include Patricia Abruzzo, Nina Altarac, Isaac Amar, Kellen Anderson, Abigail Arelt, Elisabetta Arra, Alan Bardales Arevalo, Simone Brazile, Dylan Bernzweig, Christopher Breingan, Annabel Cassatto, Zoe Chiclacos, Harper Cohn, Olivia Corcoran, Victoria Creegan, Angelica Cunningham, Brady Duke, Paige Falk, Nathan Falk, Tucker Fiore, Lucca Fiore, Oliver Frintzilas, Luca Garcia, Noah Garcia, Norah Golden, Carmem Gonzalez Robles, Dylan Goodwin, Leif Gundersen, Kevin Harris, Miguel Herrera III, Harrison Jennings, Gavin Kline, Hunter Kline, Tallulah Koepele, Matthew Krull, Steven Lapp, Cecilia Lee, Shane LeGrow, Riley Lewis and Celia LoPorto.

The Class of 2024 inductees also include Keira Lynch, Luisa Mackey, Gabriel MacManus, Maxwell Manu, Mia Marsala, Emma Martin, Emily McCarthy, Finn McDermott, Harrison McIntyre, Jack McLaughlin, Charles Mendreski, Shelby Meystrik, Vivian Morrissey, Franklin Mulvaney, William Oliva, Heath Patti, Lily Policastro, Fintan Prinz, Elena Prior, Brianna Purcell, Kaitlyn Purcell, Iman Qasim, Lauren Reed, William Respass III, Dexter Schein, Maya Schneider, Gianna Skrobela, Zackary Smith, Jonathan Soviero, Helena Sullivan, Matthew Tuccillo, Abigail Uvena, Katherine Van Horn, Frenklin, Vojka, Justin Vujeva, Bennett Wagner, Milania Watelier, Caitlin Wegielnik, Brianna Zavala Reyes and Yaqueline Zelaya Zelaya.

The five pillars of Finley’s National Junior Honor Society chapter include:

Scholarship: A cumulative academic average of at least a 94 through the first three marking periods of seventh grade.
Service: This involves voluntary contributions made by a student to the school or community, done without compensation.

Scholarship: A cumulative academic average of at least a 94 through the first three marking periods of seventh grade.

Service: This involves voluntary contributions made by a student to the school or community, done without compensation.

Character: The student of good character is cooperative; demonstrates high standards of honesty and reliability; shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others; and generally maintains a clean disciplinary record.

Citizenship: The student who demonstrates citizenship understands the importance of civic engagement; has a high regard for freedom and justice; respects democracy; respects the law for all citizens at the local, state, and federal levels; and demonstrates mature participation and responsibility in activities such as scouting, community organizations or school clubs.