Scan this QR code to submit questions to the advice columnists.
Scan this QR code to submit questions to the advice columnists.

Scan Q&R Code for Heartfelt and Practical Advice

May 8, 2024

Sizzy Q&A: Friendship and Dating Advice is the hot new column in The Dispatch student newspaper at Huntington High School.

Huntington sophomore Isabella Palacios.

Sophomores Sofia Van Arsdale and Isabella Palacios are “Sizzy.” It’s a takeoff on Ms. Van Arsdale’s first initial and Ms. Palacios’ nickname, Izzy.

In the current edition of The Dispatch, the two teenagers weigh in with advice on numerous questions. How do you tell your crush you like them? How do I break up with my girlfriend? Al of my friends hang out without me and it doesn’t make me feel good. What should I do? My best friend is flirting with my older brother. How can I get her to stop? What should I do if my boyfriend or girlfriend cheated on me?

The advice dispensed is heartfelt, well-thought out, practical and often fun. It’s serious, too. The column is upbeat and there is a positive spin put on the advice.

A QR code has been created to make it easy to access a Google form that can be used to ask and submit a question to Ms. Van Arsdale and Ms. Palacios. They hope to get more questions from classmates for the remaining issues of The Dispatch.

To the question that asked, “A lot of my friends hang out without me and it doesn’t make me feel good. What should I do?” the advice seems measured and worth considering.

Huntington sophomore Sophia Van Arsdale.

“I’m so sorry to hear this,” begins the advice. “This might be a good time to reflect on who your friends truly are. We would definitely bring this topic up to them in a non-defensive way. Make it very straightforward and understanding. By this we mean to express how you feel, but add something along the lines of, “I doubt you guys are doing this on purpose, but it’s just really bothering me.” Try your best not to seem like you are attacking them, so that they don’t come back at you in a rude way. Always remember, you are who you surround yourself with. If these people aren’t treating you and other with respect, then this may be a good time to distance yourself from these people. We will always be here for you and hope you guys all work this out!”