Rachel Learned's photography inpires and intrigues.
Rachel Learned's photography inpires and intrigues. 

Spotlight on Huntington Photographer Rachel Learned

February 15, 2024

While Rachel Learned considers portrait photography her personal favorite, the Huntington High School senior is simply great at everything behind the lens. She’s reaching new heights this year while studying with teacher Pamela Piffard and interning with professional photographer Darin Reed.

Huntington High School senior Rachel Learned.

While Ms. Learned intends to pursue a career in nursing due to a strong desire to help others, photography will always be a cherished part of her life. She might even take some college classes in it to further refine her skills.

The senior’s academic grade average approaches 100 and she’s been inducted into Huntington’s National Honor Society chapter and is active volunteering with the high school’s Key Club chapter.

Questions and Answers with Rachel Learned

Q: How old are you and what grade are you in?

Rachel Learned: “I’m 17 years old and I’m in 12th grade.”

Q: How did you first get interested in photography?

Rachel Learned: “I got interested in photography a bit after Covid. I found a new hobby during this time of boredom. My first year of photography in tenth grade really opened my eyes to the creative world that is photography. I fell in love with Mrs. Piffard’s class and I’ve taken it since then. It has been the class that eases my mind.”

Q: Where do you get your ideas?

Rachel Learned: “I take inspiration from my classmates, conversations with my teacher, other artists, and my own personal experiences.”

Q: Is there any specific type of photography you like best?

Rachel Learned: “I like portrait photography and using models for my photography.”

Q: How has the Huntington photography program helped you with your love of photography?

Rachel Learned: “The photography program and Mrs. Piffard have propelled my love of photography. I am currently working on a project that uses multiple images to tell my story. Mrs. Piffard also helped me obtain an internship with Darin Reed and I’m able to do more photography outside of school as a job.

Q: Do you plan to continue with photography or go to school for it?

Rachel Learned: “I will continue to always do photography as a hobby, but I don’t think I will be pursuing it in school, possibly just as a minor.”

Q: Please tell me about your other accomplishments.

Rachel Learned: “My photos have been chosen to appear in an art gallery and I’ve been on the High Honor Roll consistently throughout high school.”

Q: What clubs/activities/sports are you involved in?

Rachel Learned: “I’m involved in the National Honor Society and I’m a Key Club member.”

Q: Where do you see yourself in five years?

Rachel Learned: “I see myself working as a nurse possibly living in the city living out my dream of constantly helping other people.”