Washington Kindergarteners Learn New Math Concepts
September 13, 2024
Washington Primary School students have jumped out to a fast start to the new school year, which classes across every grade level quickly settling into their routines. The youngsters are finding learning to be a fun pursuit.

During a recent math lesson in kindergarten teacher Emily Meyers’ room, students circulated in small groups through a series of math centers.
“Exploring math centers is a great way for kindergarten students to engage with mathematical concepts in a hands-on and collaborative environment,” Mrs. Meyers. She organized the math centers in four differentiated ‘MATH’ groups that consisted of five students per group.
The “M” group is a “meet with the teacher” group where students apply their learning from the lesson using math curriculum application questions.
The “A” group is an “at your seat” center where students work on writing, tracing and forming new numbers with a dry-erase marker and white board.
The “T” group was a “tool kit” center “where students used a math tool kit and explored the various math manipulatives we will be utilizing this school year in kindergarten,” Mrs. Meyers said.
The “H” center was a “hands-on” center where students worked with Play-Doh to form new numbers at their seats.
Principal Michelle Richards passed by the room on her rounds and saw kids having a blast while learning all sorts of new mathematical concepts.