Huntington students have long thrived musically. (Darin Reed photo)

Huntington Offers Comprehensive Music Course Experiences

September 10, 2024

Huntington High School offers students comprehensive music course experiences with a lineup of classes and performing groups and ensembles that is hard to match.

Faculty members are experts in their areas and are highly motivated to work with students of every level of ability. Facilities are found in the auditorium area. The auditorium itself is scheduled for a multi-million dollar renovation in the near future, which will further enhance the performing experience.

Huntington High School’s course catalog provides a detailed overview of the courses and performing groups available to students. The publication is available on the district website at Contact department director Kimberly Musial at for more information.

“The courses and performing groups of the music department are designed to meet the needs, interests and talents of all high school students,” states the department’s objectives in the course catalog. “The courses present the students with opportunities to study music from a technical aspect, learn to understand and appreciate music through listening, and develop self-expression through participation in the various instrumental and choral performing groups.”

Students who plan to specialize in music or music education as a career are encouraged to begin music theory studies as early as possible during their high school years. It is also recommended that students specializing in music should engage in maximum participation in one or more of the music performing organizations.

To fulfill the graduation requirement of one credit in music, students may take Band, Concert Choir, Symphony Orchestra, String Orchestra or Music Theory.

Courses include:

Band - Course #640 - Junior Band (9/10); Course #640H - Junior Band Competitive Honors (9/10) Course #641 - Senior Band (11/12); Course #641H - Senior Band Competitive Honors (11/12) (1 Year - 1 Credit) 5 periods weekly

Offered to grades: 9, 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite: Satisfactory progress in middle school or by audition.

The band program is a comprehensive program which includes community events and concert band training and performances. Students, during the first quarter, must elect to be in the competitive marching band or non-competitive band.

Students who wish to participate in the non-competitive band will prepare music during the first quarter for an in-school performance in November. Rehearsals will take place during the school day.

Students who wish to participate in the Pep Band will prepare music during the first quarter for four Saturday home football games as well as tentative playoff games. Rehearsals will take place during the school day.

All band students will audition for seating in concert band at the end of the first quarter. The junior band consists of students in grades 9-10 and performs level III-IV music. The senior band consists of students in grades 11-12 and performs level V-VI music. The two concert bands perform at several school concerts and special functions throughout the remainder of the school year.

Requirements: All members of the Band course are required to participate in either competitive marching band or the pep band for the first quarter.

Important: Students who choose to participate in the competitive marching band must attend the summer band camp. For questions about rehearsal and performance requirements, please contact Ms. Kimberly Musial at

Concert Choir - Course #643

(1 Year - 1 Credit) 5 periods weekly

Offered to grades: 9, 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite: An interest in singing and a simple voice test.

Concert Choir is a course for students who would like to study proper vocal technique, sight-singing and music literacy while preparing and performing musical selections from a variety of styles, cultures and languages. Attendance at rehearsals, rotating group voice lessons and concerts is mandatory for all students. This course satisfies the one credit in music required for graduation.

Chamber Choir Honors - Course #644H

(1 Year - 1 Credit) 5 periods weekly

Offered to grades: 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite: Satisfactory progress in Concert Choir and successful audition. Open to exceptionally skilled students with teacher’s recommendation and successful audition.

The Honors Choir is a small select choir that presents concerts in the community as well as joining with the Concert Choir in their concerts. Attendance at all extra rehearsals and concerts is mandatory. Members are expected to attend voice lessons every week. The Chamber Choir is a NYSSMA level V and VI performing group and consistently performs at a high level of musicianship. Students are required to learn their own program music as well as the concert choir repertoire. Chamber Choir students receive a weighted grade for their additional commitment.

Symphony Orchestra - Course #646 Symphony Orchestra Honors - Course #646H

(1 Year - 1 Credit) 5 periods weekly

Offered to grades: 11, 12

Prerequisite: Satisfactory progress in high school string orchestra or NYSSMA V A+ rating. Open to exceptionally skilled tenth graders with teacher recommendation.

The course includes the study and performances of great masterpieces of orchestral compositions, developing playing skills, and understanding compositional ideas. This course satisfies the one credit in music required for graduation.

There are at least three evening concerts per year, each performance preceded by an evening dress rehearsal. Students are required to be at all concerts and dress rehearsals. Students may also audition for Chamber Orchestra, an advanced string ensemble that rehearses at night.

The Symphony Orchestra and Chamber Orchestra consistently performs music at a level V and VI.

NOTE: Advanced members of the Symphony Orchestra may audition to participate in Symphony Orchestra Honors - Course #646H. Students who successfully audition for the honors course are required to participate in the Chamber Orchestra and an honors string quartet. These activities require the preparation of a significant amount of additional music as well as participation in numerous community service performances. Students in Symphony Orchestra Honors receive a weighted grade for this additional commitment.

String Orchestra - Course #645

(1 Year - 1 Credit) 5 periods weekly

Offered to grades: 9, 10

This course is for all ninth and tenth grade string students. This orchestra experience includes the study of NYSSMA Level III - V string literature. In addition, the Concert Orchestra studies several symphonic orchestra pieces and performs with the Symphony Orchestra. Concert Orchestra performs at least three evening concerts per year, each preceded by an evening dress rehearsal. Students are required to be at all concerts and dress rehearsals. This course satisfies the one credit in music required for graduation.

Music Theory - Course #648

(1 Year - 1 Credit) 5 periods weekly

Offered to grades: 9, 10, 11, 12

Recommended for students who have an interest in music. No previous music reading experience is required. Required for: Regents Music Sequence

This course presents a study of basic music theory: fundamentals, chords, four-part composition, dictation, and rhythmic training. It is the first course of a major sequence. This course satisfies the one credit in Music required for graduation.

Contemporary Music: Jazz, Hip-Hop, Rap & more

Course # 642

(½ Year - ½ Credit) 5 periods weekly

Offered to grades: 9, 10, 11, 12

This course will examine contemporary music, beginning around the 1920’s. This course will focus on the influence of jazz on hip-hop and rap and take a close look at various musical genres. The course will allow students to discuss and explore influential artists, composers, and musicians, and their impact on music history, culture, and politics. Students will take a close look at the aesthetics and creativity of several different periods in history. Students will discover the origins of much of the music they listen to. No prior experience in music is necessary for enrollment in this course.

Advanced Placement (AP) Music Theory – Course #$649

(1 Year - 1 Credit) 5 periods weekly

Offered to grades: 10, 11, 12

Recommended for: The music major second course music major sequence. Prerequisite: Music Theory I or approval of instructor.

This course presents advanced concepts of music theory and a major concentration of the development of the ear. AP Music Theory is designed to enable the student to understand music theory in depth. This course prepares the student for college study of music or for serious music understanding and research. Students will be required to take the Advanced Placement Music Theory exam at the completion of the course. This is a full year, college level course which receives a weighted grade.

Huntington High School offers students a comprehensive performing arts experience. (Darin Reed photo)