Photographers Pursue Frozen Movement Plus Blur
October 31 , 2024
Huntington High School photography students are always up to something both creative and interesting. Students in Advanced Photography recently created phantom images using long exposures while experimenting with lighting and movement.
“We worked together as a class in the studio,” photography teacher Pamela Piffard explained. The project was titled “Frozen Movement Plus Blur.” Students were advised to have their model “stay still for a moment before they begin to move.”
The student-photographers were provided with the following tips”
• Set small camera to shutter to approximately four 4 seconds.
• Use a tripod.
• Shoot in low light (the darker the better).
• Use slow shutter speed (experiment with different times).
• Pay attention to your framing and aim; look for strong compositions.
• Experiment with different kinds of lighting and movements.
• Try having the model remain still for a moment then move.
• Try having your model stay still then leave the frame midway in the exposure. This may take some practice.
• Experiment with different exposure times and different body movements.
• We are aiming to create phantom images with your subject moving while the shutter is open.
Advanced Photography is a full year course offered to juniors and seniors. The course prerequisite is Introduction to Photography. In Advanced Photography, students expand upon earlier learned skills. The emphasis is placed on producing exhibition quality digital images based upon self-motivated projects. Students learn how to edit their images using Adobe Photoshop, study the work of several other photographers, learn studio techniques and visit photo galleries.