Southdown Raises $2,200 for Pink Aid to Fight Breast Cancer
November 6 , 2024
Southdown Primary School hosted its fourth annual Breast Cancer Walk, raising more than $2,200 for the charity Pink Aid.

“This year we dedicated our walk to Meryl Hughes Buermann, who was a big supporter of the Southdown Breast Cancer Walk and also a big supporter of Pink Aid,” Principal Jill Amott-Erwig said. “All money raised was donated to the Pink Aid organization. Pink Aid is a breast cancer organization that provides support, critical resources and emergency financial assistance to underserved breast cancer patients and their families.”
The monies Southdown raised will be devoted to treatment, recovery and wellness support,
essential household expenses, diagnostic testing and outreach and education.
“This year Southdown raised $2,201.00, which was the most Southdown raised since we started our Breast Cancer Walk four years ago,” Ms. Amott-Erwig said. “We would like to thank the Southdown PTA for working closely with to make this event happen!”
Pink Aid released the following breast cancer related facts:
Fact: 1 in 8 women will receive a breast cancer diagnosis in their lifetime
Fact: Each year, over 10 million families in the US will be unable to pay for basic needs because of medical expenses
Fact: 50 percent of bankruptcies are the result of illness or illness-related job loss
Fact: 1 in 833 men will receive a breast cancer diagnosis in their lifetime.
Fact: Between 20-30 percent of women diagnosed with breast cancer will lose their jobs
Fact: 78 percent of Americans live from paycheck to paycheck
Fact: Programs that provide screening and diagnostic services at no cost to low-income women can mitigate the adverse effect of poverty and the stage at which breast cancer is diagnosed , as well as the mortality rate
Fact: African-American women are more likely to die of breast cancer, largely due to later diagnoses, lack of education and poverty
Southdown students and staff are proud of what they were able to accomplish together.