Celebrating the Newest Language Leaders at STEM
December 11, 2024
Principal Donna Moro was thrilled. Jack Abrams STEM Magnet School’s educational leader was excited to announce that several students have been recognized as bilingual after passing the

New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test.
“These outstanding students have been selected to join the Language Leaders group; a role designed to promote language learning and enhance communication within our school community,’ Ms. Moro said.
The students are in the fifth and sixth grades. “The blue cords around their necks signify their accomplishments and a designation of their leadership role at STEM,” Ms. Moro said. “At the end of the year, they will wear these cords during their moving up ceremony.”
Recently, the Jack Abrams STEM Magnet School’s Language Leaders showcased their skills and leadership during the third grade open house evening, where they served as tour guides for families and answered questions with confidence and enthusiasm.
As Language Leaders, these students will continue to:
• Support their peers in improving language skills.
• Assist with language-focused activities and events.
• Serve as role models for incoming students.
The group includes:
• Fifth Grade: Heidy Gonzales Robles, Valeria Medina Ramirez, Ashley Guevara Diaz, Alison Chavez Campos, Jason Flores
• Sixth Grade: Litzy Segovia Espinoza, Alejandra Chaparro Leon, Lucila Valiente Caceres
“This achievement reflects their leadership, responsibility and passion for helping others,” Ms. Moro said. “We are confident their involvement will have a positive and lasting impact on our school community.