Therapy Dogs Jam and Hazel Return to Finley
December 11, 2024
Jam and Hazel were back at J. Taylor Finley Middle School this week. The two therapy dogs couldn’t be more popular with students, teachers and support staff members. The love the dogs share with the Finley community is obvious to everyone.

Finley Principal Traci Roethel is a big proponent of therapy dogs in schools. She introduced them at Woodhull Intermediate School when she was the principal of that building and brought the initiative to Finley when she moved over.
Therapy dogs have been shown to offer a range of benefits to those the dogs come in contact with “Dogs naturally make people happy and comfort those who need them,” according to the Alliance of Therapy Dogs. “Therapy dogs provide a more comfortable approach to interacting with many individuals who struggle to socialize or are lonely. Dogs are also there to help you without making judgments and are unconditional in their affection. The effects of therapy dogs range from anxiety and stress reduction to increased self-esteem.
The Alliance of Therapy Dogs said they mere act of petting a therapy dog, could “relieve tension, regulate the cardiovascular system and even reduce blood pressure. Some people are motivated to leave their bedrooms and walk toward the fresh and amazing therapy dogs is their capacity to alleviate feelings of isolation and despair. Negative emotions are replaced by a valued companion’s love and affection.”
Golden retrievers, standard poodles, St. Bernard’s and Labrador retrievers, make especially good therapy gods as do micro poodles and Pomeranians.
Research studies have shown how therapy dogs can help address school-age students’ social and emotional learning needs. For example, according to Alliance of Therapy Dogs, dome of the benefits recorded in school classrooms include:
• Improved school attendance
• Positive changes lead to better learning and enhanced motivation
• Growth in confidence levels
• Development of better and stronger relationships with teachers and peers due to the experience of trust and love with therapy dogs. Children learn ways to express their feelings and develop more trusting relationships
• Reducing learner anxiety behaviors causes improvement in learning outcomes like improved reading and writing skills and levels
Mrs. Roethel intends to continue with the therapy dog initiative for as long as she remains Finley principal.