AWOD club members presented training sessions at Woodhull School.
AWOD club members presented training sessions at Woodhull School.

A World of Difference Club Training at Woodhull

June 7, 2023

Huntington High School’s A World of Difference club members and faculty advisors traveled to Woodhull Intermediate School to present six training workshops for fifth graders in the building.

Caroline McGreevy was among the high school club members who presented at the training sessions.

Better known by the acronym AWOD, the organization’s student members participate in projects that promote unity among Huntington High School’s various ethnic and racial groups.

The club pursues anti-bias and diversity programs that allow students to better understand the issues of prejudice and bigotry as well as providing a forum for exploring diverse viewpoints.

AWOD high school peer trainers worked with the Woodhull fifth graders. “Celebrating our diversity is the goal and these amazing young people are the best teachers,” said teacher Suzi Biagi, who along with faculty colleague Dr. Erica Murphy-Jessen serves as the club’s advisor.  “The students created and wrote an original curriculum after monthly meetings and workshops throughout the year, starting with meeting with Woodhull’s new principal, Stephanie Campbell remotely to speak about specific topics she wanted the training to focus on. Fun and exhaustion was had by all.”

The training program explored the concepts of bias, standing up to bullies, being an “upstander” in a safe way instead of a bystander when someone is being harassed and exploring our own “uniqueness” in a very diverse Huntington UFSD. Even the topics of mean words and rudeness were discussed.

“I had a wonderful time working with the fifth graders,” freshman Alexa Mazure said. “It taught me that being a role model to the younger generation has an impact on their futures. I’m glad I got to help them become better friends, sisters, brothers, students and people all together.”

Woodhull School fifth graders engaged in a training program presented by A World of Difference club members
Woodhull School fifth graders engaged in a training program presented by A World of Difference club members

AWOD has held training sessions at Woodhull for many years. “The kids were really cute and involved,” senior Angie Hernandez Ramos said. “They were really interested in finding ways to incorporate what they were learning from us. It feels great to have an impact on the community.”

The high school club members were well-prepared for the training sessions. “I had a great time at Woodhull working with the kids,” freshman Olivia McGreevy said. “It has given me more respect for the teachers and adults in our lives that we have as role models. We all need someone to look up to and I’m glad I got an opportunity to be one today.”

The most important message stressed by AWOD veterans at any training session has always been “the power of one.” AWOD’s membership consists of a true melting pot of personalities and backgrounds. The disparate parts of the group easily came together during annual training sessions.

“I am happy that I got the opportunity to translate for the non-English speaking students,” junior Yuliana Perla said. “Doing a bilingual version of our training helped us reach even more children in our district.”

The Woodhull fifth graders equally enjoyed working with their high school counterparts. The two sets of students accomplished much during the training sessions.

“This is my favorite event as we get to put our hard work and training to use,” junior Caroline McGreevy said. “Each year the kids are so great to work with and I believe they truly grasp what we are teaching them. It’s important to teach kids at this critical age as it can help them better decisions in the future and make a difference in the world.”

“This is one of my favorite things we do with AWOD,” junior Jessica Maixner said. “I love just going to see the kids and helping to spread positivity.”

Send a message to Ms. Biagi ( or Dr. Murphy-Jessen ( for more information about AWOD.