Senior Levis Villatoro Strives to Reach His Goals
january 27, 2023
Levis Villatoro’s work ethic, desire to make a difference in the world and enthusiasm to lead the best life possible is hard to match. The Huntington High School senior is a very hard worker who since coming to the United States has wasted little time and seized upon every opportunity that’s come his way.
The teenager describes himself as a “home type person.” During the summer months he likes to prepare for another year of school. He enjoys spending time with family and friends, but he also tries to learn new things and strengthen his command of English.
“Two important teachers for me are Ms. [Rosario] Lorenzana and Ms. [Eileen] Gonzalez,” Mr. Villatoro said. “I am currently interning with Ms. Lorenzana. She is also the faculty advisor for United Amigos. I would like to thank her for really developing my interest in teaching. I am learning so much in my internship and am so grateful to have this opportunity.”
The senior gets along well with his teachers and they really enjoy working with him. “Ms. Gonzalez is my New World club advisor and was my first teacher here in the United States,” Mr. Villatoro said. “She has developed my interest in learning English from the beginning of my time here in Huntington High School. The New World Club has helped me a lot in my personal growth. I help guide new students who have just arrived at school and try to be a positive influence in their lives.”

The teenager is working hard to accomplish his goals. “I would like to start at Suffolk Community College and do two years there and transfer to SUNY Old Westbury because they are close to my house and both have good education programs,” Mr. Villatoro said. “As for my major, I would like to be a history teacher or be something that is related to medicine.”
Dreamy, friendly, sociable, respectful; these are all words that accurately describe Mr. Villatoro. He’s fully engaged in life at the high school and around town as an intern, New World club mentor, Spanish Honor Society member and community volunteer.
“I also work 30 hours a week in order to financially support myself and help my family in El Salvador,” Mr. Villatoro said.
Regardless of the subject matter, Mr. Villatoro strives to master it. “My favorite courses have been Chemistry and Participation in Government,” he said. “Chemistry offers an incredible challenge and still manages to be enjoyable. In Chemistry, learning the intricacies of how the elements around us work and how they can be manipulated is fascinating.”
Mr. Villatoro is also enjoying learning about the “origins, concepts, organizations and policies of the US government and the American political system.
“My time in high school has been unforgettable,” Mr. Villatoro said. “Even with spending two years learning from home, I would not change anything. I have had many experiences that I have never had in my life. Despite everything that happened at the beginning of high school, I am very happy and grateful to my teachers who always supported me. It has not been easy for me, because I had to learn a new language. However, I am very proud to achieve my dreams. Unfortunately I did not have the opportunity to go to school frequently in my country, because I worked to help my family and had no transportation to go. In spite of everything I am happy with everything I have achieved.”
The teenager’s dream for 10 years from now? “I hope to be teaching history in a high school; maybe right here at Huntington High School,” Mr. Villatoro said.