Garments created by Huntington Fashion Design & Illustration III students.
Garments created by Huntington Fashion Design & Illustration III students.

Fashion Design Students Display Exceptional Creativity

january 23, 2023

Huntington High School’s Fashion Design & Illustration program is located in an oversized classroom on the lower level of the building. It’s a somewhat out-of-the-way spot, but nevertheless the spotlight recently found a number of students who are displaying exceptional creativity.

Huntington High School art teacher Kim Valerio.

Eight students in Fashion Design & Illustration III have completed an unconventional alternative materials fashion project. “The assignment was to design and sew a garment for display on a mannequin/dress form and include design additions of unconventional items that might not normally be worn on clothing,” teacher Kim Valerio explained.

The designers included Ariana James, Sonia Acevedo, Jessica Kuom, Estefany Quijada-Mojica, Samantha Koepele, Adriana Abbatiello, Gianni Portillo and Lily Mitek. Each of the teenagers gave their fashion piece a title and wrote an artist’s statement.

Junior Ariana James created a white cotton dress adorned with chains which she titled. “Love and Lock Up.” Junior Sonia Acevedo was inspired by romance novels and included printed pages for the top of her peach-colored gown titled, “It Ends With Us.” Junior Jessica Kuom named her forest green and black lace gown “Bambi,” adorning it with flowers and leaves.

Senior Estefany Quijada-Mojica created a blue gown with wings which she titled “Fly High.” Junior Samantha Koepele’s creation, “Fallen Angel,” is an intricate winged white gown that includes wire, black dye and fake blood. Junior Adriana Abbatiello created a matching blue skirt and top decorated with large sequins hanging from chains which she titled, “Mirrorball.”

Senior Gianni Portillo’s gothic inspired black fabric and lace gown, “Webbed Up,” features plastic spiders as decoration. Junior Lily Mitek named her nature-themed matching skirt and top, “Poison Ivy.”

“All of my Fashion I, II and III and Portfolio students voted on which design was their favorite,” Ms. Valerio said. Gianni Portillo’s “Webbed Up” won the most votes. The winning garment will be on exhibit at the Main Street Gallery in Huntington in March.

“All eight designs will go on display at our annual district-wide art show in May,” Ms. Valerio said.