Huntington High School has launched its after school club program for 2023-24
Huntington High School has launched its after school club program for 2023-24 

Club Program in Full Swing at Huntington High School

September 22, 2023

Huntington High School’s after school extracurricular activities program is now in full swing. Most clubs have either already held their first meeting or will do so in the coming days. Hundreds of students have joined one or more organizations.

Every club is overseen by at least one faculty advisor. Club members are guided by the advisor, but students take the initiative in all activities. Clubs run for the full year. Most, if not all, are involved in some degree of community service and all offer opportunities for leadership experiences.

This year’s high school club program features:

A World of Difference: Students participate in projects that promote unity among the various ethnic and racial groups at Huntington High School.

Art National Honor Society: This organization works to inspire and recognize those students who have a profound love of art and/or demonstrate creative talent. Students in the Art Honor Society work to promote art in the school, community and internationally through various activities and service projects. The students help one another to achieve the highest standards and share the importance of art education throughout the district and the community.

Debate Club: Students discuss a host of current issues from a variety of perspectives. Debate Club offers an opportunity to build their skills in openly and effectively communicating points of view.

Dispatch: Huntington High School’s award-winning student newspaper. Students act as reporters, editors, and photographers.

Drama Club: This club presents three productions a year: a comedy or drama in the fall; Senior Follies, a spoof of Huntington High School, in the winter; and a spring musical.

English National Honor Society: Membership is an honor bestowed on individuals selected for their accomplishments in the field of English and in overall academic achievement. Our members share their love of language and literature with the greater school community, demonstrating their commitment to social responsibility.

Environmental Club: Students work together to improve our school and global environments with a focus on sustainability and Earth friendly advocacy.

esports Gaming Club: Gamers at all levels of experience can enjoy the world of Esports in a fun and competitive environment. Students will have the opportunity to play at either the recreational or the competitive level.

Et Cetera: Students write creative or non-fiction stories, poems, and/or create art in individually and through guided prompts, then edit and publish their work in our school magazine.

Gay/Straight Alliance (GSA): A coalition of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and heterosexual individuals offering support, acceptance, and awareness in a safe environment. Students may participate in any number of activities to make sexuality, sexual identity, and gender identity an accepted part of Huntington High School.

Grade Level Class Leadership: Student government/class leadership is an excellent way to get involved in the Huntington community. Students who participate in their class government help to plan major events such as homecoming, float night and the prom, in addition to smaller fundraisers throughout the year. Class leaders are responsible for motivating the members of their class and the entire student body to participate in school sponsored events.

Grandfriends: Students, after completing a five-week training program, visit senior citizens at home.

Habitat for Humanity: The students work together with other Suffolk schools to provide simple and decent housing for Suffolk County families. They are responsible for raising awareness, raising funds to build the house and raising the walls of a house.

Highsteppers: Members strive to increase guard, kick and dance skills, and do some choreography.

Interact Club: This is a community service based club that works closely with the Rotary and gives students the chance to make a real difference in communities, both local and abroad, while having fun. Interact club carries out community service projects that help others while developing friendships, leadership skills and making international connections.

Key Club: The main purpose of the Key Club is to raise money for children in need. This is done through creative fundraising and student generated activities. Two blood drives are sponsored each year. This is a school and community service club affiliated with Kiwanis, an international program.

Math National Honor Society: Mu Alpha Theta - Students work with other students as peer tutors to help them successfully complete Regents level math classes.

Mathletes: Students practice math puzzles and problem-solving techniques to compete with other schools.

Mindfulness Club: This group is dedicated to developing student skills and giving them the tools needed to help relax the body, mind, and reduce stress.

Mock Trial: Participants compete against Suffolk County high schools in mock trials with students advocating as lawyers and witnesses. The purpose of Mock Trial is to enhance a student’s confidence in public speaking and educate them on the legal system.

National History Day: Students explore issues affecting society ranging from animal rights to their roles and responsibilities as citizens in our society.

National Honor Society: Activities include tutoring and performing community service. Huntington High School is privileged to have a chapter of the National Honor Society. Membership in the National Honor Society is granted on the basis of faculty selection and such membership is conferred upon those students who have distinguished themselves by being outstanding in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership and character. The national chapter’s selection guides define these criteria as follows:

Scholarship: Any student who has completed at least sophomore year and has a cumulative grade point average of 90 percent or better.

Service: Service is defined in terms of performance. Valid questions are: What contributions has this candidate made to the school, community and classmates?

Leadership: The leadership criterion is regarded as highly important for membership selection. Schools may consider leadership roles in both school and community. Leadership may include elected positions, contributions made in the classroom, or positive cooperative behavior in the school situation which would set a good example for other students to follow.

Character: Integrity: No recorded incidents of cheating or of intentional dishonesty. Positive behavior: No record of knowingly violating school regulations. No record of civil offenses within the community. Willing to assist classmates, faculty members, etc. Ethics: Wants to do the “right” thing in most situations.

Students who interested in becoming a member of the National Honor Society must contact faculty advisors Patricia Avelli and/or Tara Rossy. They will receive complete details to determine if they meet the academic requirement. Once this criterion has been met, the student is invited to complete an information packet. Packets will be distributed and the selection process will be explained at a meeting held in October. Attendance is mandatory for all prospective applicants. Students will be notified by mail as to the decision of the Faculty Council.

Natural Helpers: Students who advise others are supported through this club.

New World – ENL Mentoring Club: In this collaborative group, students assist other students as they become increasingly attuned to a new way of life & schooling system. Newcomers are paired with current students who help to guide and mentor their peers.

Ready Step: Students compete against other districts in step (dance) competition.

Robotics Team: Members will have an opportunity to learn teamwork, engineering, programing, problem solving and critical thinking skills all while having fun. Students learn important STEM* (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) concepts that can help them throughout their academic and professional careers. Team members will use various tools to build robots and machines, program them to perform specific tasks, troubleshoot problems, and refine their strategies to address practical challenges.

Science National Honor Society: This organization encourages and recognizes scientific and intellectual thought, advance student knowledge of civic community to encourage a dedication to the pursuit of scientific knowledge that benefits all humankind. Membership is open to all Juniors and Seniors who are currently enrolled in a Regents level or higher course and have completed 2 years of Regents level or higher science. Students must have a minimum science average of 90 percent, an overall scholastic average of at least 85 percent, and a minimum math average of 80 percent. Students must be enrolled in a science course while they are members of the society.

Science Research: Students who enjoy solving novel science projects enter interscholastic competitions.

Social Justice Ambassadors: This club is designed to provide students with a positive venue in which to engage in activities and discussions involving all aspects of social justice. Club activities often include meeting with similar groups from other school districts and learning from field experiences and guest speakers.

Social Studies National Honor Society: This organization will work to honor successes in, dedication to, and passion for the study of history. Members will play a role in local preservation, engage in charitable works, highlight success in social studies and provide the community and students opportunities to engage in history and current affairs.

Stage Crew: Students participate in behind-the-scene work with the drama club and community productions and concerts.

Student Government: This organization assists in the management of the school, providing a forum for student voice.

Tri-M Music Honor Society: Service group for the music department.

United Amigos: This is a club of dedicated, multicultural students who take pride in assisting the ESL pupils to achieve success at Huntington High School. These students provide mentoring, social and tutoring services to anyone in need.

Women’s Empowerment: This club is for everyone and focuses on societal issues impacting women today. This group will engage in discussions, research and action to spread the message of empowering women.

World Language National Honor Societies: These clubs honor excellence in the study of French, Spanish, Latin and Italian and serve the community through service and fund-raising.

Yearbook: The Huntingtonian captures in photos our life at Huntington High School. Sports, clubs and special events are included.