Huntington's English Honor Society chapter is inviting new member applications
Huntington's English Honor Society chapter is inviting new member applications 

English Honor Society Welcomes Membership Applications

September 20, 2023

The Post Ellipsis chapter of the National English Honor Society at Huntington High School held is welcoming new membership applications. The online process is open to sophomores, juniors and seniors. Materials must be submitted by September 27.

Membership candidates are required to have an overall unweighted grade average of 90 and an unweighted average in English courses of 94. Students should go to Google Classroom and enter code CTGXBVT to access the application.

Prospective members must be enrolled in a Regents, Honors or Advanced Placement level English course. A teacher recommendation is not required.

The application asks students to provide a list of their extracurricular activities and community service. A personal statement is also required. “It enables you to demonstrate your ability to organize thoughts and express yourself. We know you are a successful student. Tell us more about who you are as a person. What makes you a different or unique candidate to become part of the National English Honor Society?”

The chapter’s charter carries with it a commitment to the mission of the founders of the Society: to promote mastery of written expression, encourage worthwhile reading and foster fellowship among students who excel in English studies.

During this year’s induction ceremony on October 18, candidates for membership will be asked to recite the following oath: “As a member of the National English Honor Society, I shall endeavor to advance the study of all areas of English and to foster a spirit of fellowship among students excelling in all facets of the English language arts, ever keeping in mind our national motto, as our guiding principle; ‘Gelest sceal mid are’ - Duty goes with honor.”

Huntington’s National English Honor Society chapter debuted in 2007. English teachers Aimee Antorino and Helen Guarino serve as the organization’s faculty advisors.