The Egg My House fundraiser is back this spring
The Egg My House fundraiser is back this spring 

Register Today for Egg My House!

March 1, 2023

Egging a house will take on a new and fun meaning thanks to students in Huntington High School’s Virtual Enterprise business classes.

The teenagers are preparing for the third annual Egg My House! fundraiser. On Saturday, April 8, the night before Easter, Huntington’s Virtual Enterprise classes “will hide candy-filled plastic eggs on your front lawn between the hours of 8-11 p.m., so your children can wake up to an egg hunt from the Easter Bunny,” exclaims a promotional flyer.

Interested? Orders are due by March 11. Fifty eggs will be hidden for $35. (For delivery to a Huntington teacher in their classroom the charge is $25.) Send a message to Huntington High School business teacher Paige Furman at to register.

Virtual Enterprise is a full year, one credit business course. “Virtual Enterprise is a simulated business that is set-up and run by students to prepare them for working in a real business environment,” according to the high school’s course bulletin.

The Egg My House! fundraiser debuted in 2021. The night before Easter, Virtual Enterprise students visited more than 100 houses in the community and hid candy-filled eggs around yards. The teenagers fanned out between 8-10 p.m. to do their work. When the youngsters in those homes woke up the following morning they were able to go on an old-fashioned egg hunt thanks to a visit from the Easter Bunny.

The initiative really broke new ground and was fun for everyone involved. “We ended up delivering eggs to over 100 houses in the community and have been receiving such wonderful feedback from the parents since the event,” Mrs. Furman said. “They were all so grateful and appreciative of the student ‘bunnies’ conducting themselves both professionally and respectfully.”

Within minutes of last year’s Egg My House! project being announced, the response became so overwhelming that publicity promoting it was almost immediately shut down. So don’t miss out this year. Send a message to Mrs. Furman today.