Huntington Presents at Long Island Science Congress
April 26, 2023
A contingent of Huntington High School science research program students recently presented their projects at the Long Island Science Congress.
Group members made at least three separate presentations over the course of the day. Participants also had an opportunity to browse through all the projects submitted and ask their student colleagues questions.
This marked the first in-person science research competition since the COVID-19 pandemic struck. Students enrolled in Huntington High School’s Introduction to Science Research and Honors Science Research participated.
The projects included:
• Name: Peter Gaal, Dominick Vidota
Project Title: The Effects of Physical Activity on the Cognition of Adolescents
• Name: Nadeera Ali, Rachel Morina, Lauren Genarelli
Project Title: The Effect of Dimethyl Phthalates and 3-4Bis (Hydroxymethyl) furan on the fertility of Marisa Cornuarietis
• Name: Jaipreet Singh, Mildred Hernandez, Claire Parks
Project Title: The Inhibitory Effect of Lemon Juice, Vinegar and Calcium Propionate on Saccharomyces Cerevisiae and Escherichia Coli
• Name: Olivia Polinsky, Lucas Spagnoletti
Project Title: The Effect of Round Up Resistant Soybeans on Eisenia Fatida
• Name: Emma Polinsky, Erika Hernandez
Project Title: The Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide on Glycine Max Plants Facing Drought Conditions
• Name: Jordana Boxer, Cecilena Monge Moreira
Project Title: The Effects of Festuca Arundinacea and Marsilea on Soil Permeability
• Name: Jessica Bree
Project Title: The Effect of Acid Rain on Soil Erosion
• Name: Jeffrey Murillo Ramirez
Project Title: The Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide Pre-Treatment on the Germination Rate of Pisum Sativum
• Name: Shaina Linker
Project Title: Determining the Critical Mass of the LEO
“We were all excited to attend in person for our first time,” Ms. Polinsky said. “It was an incredible experience to speak with students from schools all across Long Island about their projects, career plans and research experience.”