Huntington High School junior Lucas Spagnoletti.
Huntington High School junior Lucas Spagnoletti.

Junior Lucas Spagnoletti Takes on New Challenges

October 13, 2022

Lucas Spagnoletti is one of the top swimmers in the county and state this year and someone the Blue Devils are counting on to help it successfully defend the county title it won for the first time last winter. The Huntington High School junior is also a great student and he’s involved in clubs and honor societies, too.

Mr. Spagnoletti likes to keep busy. It seems as if he’s always involved in some type of worthwhile endeavor. Swimming means a lot to Mr. Spagnoletti and he’s always striving to be a champion.

“This past summer was pretty intense, but fulfilling,” the junior said. “Over the summer I had swim practice at 5 a.m. every day. I also worked on some advocacy projects for environmental health through NYSCHECK and the Huntington Breast Cancer Action Coalition and I volunteered to help teach environmental health at North Shore Holiday House.”

Mr. Spagnoletti’s summer was also devoted to working in a lab on the Stony Brook University campus, “conducting an experiment which I am expanding on with my research this year,” he said.

The teenager also found time to participate in a mentorship through City College of New York’s Sophie Davis School of Medicine, “where I learned about health and worked with other students to develop a community based project,” he said.

Mr. Spagnoletti is doing all the right things as he goes about expanding his intellect and improving himself in every possible way.

“I am looking forward to science research class because I am able to continue the summer research that I did and I enjoy researching and discovering new ideas,” Mr. Spagnoletti said. “I am also looking forward to Advanced Placement Computer Science as I also enjoy learning coding.”

Mr. Spagnoletti comes to school each morning ready to take on the academic challenges that he seems to thrive on. He enjoys interactions throughout the day with his teachers and classmates.

The teenager earned outstanding grades as a freshman and sophomore and is off to a strong start as a junior. He does all of this while exceling as an athlete.

“I plan to get involved with all the honor societies and join the varsity swim and tennis teams,” Mr. Spagnoletti said. “I am excited for states this year as being and All-American is in reach.”

The affable junior is very well liked by his classmates and teammates. They respect his work ethic and marvel at the multitude of talents that he possesses. He’s an essential member of the Class of 2024 and the high school community at large.

“My high school experience has been great,” Mr. Spagnoletti said. “I have met a lot of nice friends and teachers. I have been involved with the New World club mentoring program. I joined last year and this year I am going to try to mentor a student and help out a class.”

Mr. Spagnoletti is still developing as a swimmer, but there’s little doubt colleges will soon come calling to recruit the teenager. Combined with his sensational classroom performance, a top tier school appears within reach.

“I do not have a specific college in mind, but my interest is biomedical sciences and research, so that’s something I’d like to study in college,” Mr. Spagnoletti said.