Introduction to Photography students shot marvelous black and white shots

Spectacular Black & White Photos by Introductory Students

Introduction to Photography students shot marvelous black and white shots 

November 28 , 2022

These kids get it. While they are really just learning all the ins and outs of snapping photographs with a camera, the Huntington High School students enrolled in Introductory to Photography with art teacher Pamela Piffard are off to a sensational start with their first roll of black and white film.

The one credit course meets daily. It’s offered to students in grades 9-12. To register, freshmen need to have taken Studio in Art as eighth graders or be simultaneously registered for an art or music course that fulfills the graduation requirement in this area.

“Introduction to Photography is an exciting course where students learn about black and white photography,” states a description of the class. “Students will learn a skill that will last the rest of their life and bring enormous pleasure and self-satisfaction. Students will learn how to shoot and create well-balanced, well-composed photographs. Students will learn about photographic equipment, develop their own black and white negatives and prints, and analyze their own work as well as the work of others.”

Students in the class came up with a series of magnificent photographs. Ms. Piffard provided them with guidance and inspiration and the teenagers did the rest with spectacular results.

Students in the course are thriving and Ms. Piffard believes the best is still yet to come. “During the second semester, more time is spent in the darkroom,” the course description states. “As their skills develop, students will have the opportunity to make larger prints, use contrast filters, and refine their printing techniques. Students will learn about portraiture, photojournalism, and produce portfolio-level matted prints.”

For more information about the photography program send a message to Ms. Piffard at

Huntington students took a series of spectacular black and white photos
Huntington students took a series of spectacular black and white photos
Huntington students took a series of spectacular black and white photos
Huntington students took a series of spectacular black and white photos