The December set of Woodhull faculty and staff Shout Outs have been announced.

Woodhull Students, Faculty & Staff Shine

The December set of Woodhull faculty and staff Shout Outs have been announced.

January 3, 2022

Woodhull Intermediate School students, faculty and staff are beginning 2022 on a high note. The school community is confident the new year will see Woodhull reach new heights.

Principal Scott Oshrin announced December’s Eagle of the Month Award recipients and the group is certainly star-studded. The honorees include:
Fourth grade: Angela Mayorga Vicente, Quinn Robertson, Isabella Mata-Soler, William Duenas, Annie Mendoza Virula, Edwin Lopez, Jonah Abraham
Fifth grade: Junior Granados, Heidi Quintero, Lindsay Gamez, Tallulah Koepele, Owen McGaw, Lindsay Campos, Samuel Cordova
Sixth grade: Samantha Martinez, Tulsi Singh, Izabelle Colato, Yovani Garcia Zavala, Gerson Avila Bueso, Jesse Blohm, Karina Rodriquez

The Eagle of the Month assembly was held virtually. Mr. Oshrin presided over the event, which was visible in each classroom and later in the homes of students. Each of the honorees will have their name printed on stars and hung in the main hallway. The students will also be given certificates.

Click on this link to view the short assembly.

A newly established tradition, which debuted this past fall involves shout-outs by faculty and staff members to each other on a monthly basis. The individuals are typically cited for helping fellow faculty and staff members and for assisting students and making the 2021/22 school year one to remember at Woodhull Intermediate School.

December’s shout-outs include:

Allison Von Vange: “Allison has been so great to set up the adopted families for the holidays!”
Danielle Walsh: “Danielle is always working so hard to make sure her students are successful. She is kind to them and fully invested in their success.”
Desire Lahoz: “Mrs. Lahoz is also so kind and helpful! She was a great sport with the podcast. The students really appreciated you sharing your thoughts and ideas.”
Olivia Roberts: “Ms. Roberts, thanks for being a part of the first podcast episode and for having a smile on your face each day. We really appreciate you. You’re the best.”
Karen Swanson: “Karen does her job so well. Her students make amazing progress and she is a huge team player.”
Jenny Rommel: “An outstanding co-teacher and a true partnership; she has helped me become a better teacher.”
Jason Suarez: “Jason always supports me with regard to my students. When I enter the classroom, he is often speaking to my class about being responsible and respectful and he reinforces how important it is for them to success in world language. I appreciate Jason’s positive input very much!”
Meg Matthews: “Meg always sees the positive in every situation and lightens the mood with a funny joke. She is so dedicated to the students and makes reading run. But mostly, she is a great co-worker and friend.”
Allison Von Vange: “Ms. Von Vange has been immensely helpful in coordinating and purchasing gifts for our students/families in need this holiday season. Mary Guzman-Lewis and I received almost 160 children (!) to purchase gifts for and (I cannot say this enough) we could not have done it without Ms. Von Vange and the Huntington Warriors group. Not only has she been an instrumental part of this team effort, but she’s been excited and positive about giving selflessly of her time/space/resources. We are so appreciative of her holiday spirit and love for our students.”
Nancy Reh: “Nancy Reh continues to be a rock in the classroom, stepping in whenever needed and creating a supportive and positive learning environment. Thank you, Nancy!”
Mari DiGiovanni: “This teacher demonstrates compassion and understanding for diverse learning styles and needs. She is collaborative and cheerful and a joy to work with!”
Chelsea Jablon: “Always goes above and beyond to communicate with parents and advocate for her students. She put on a great sixth grade band performance!”
Allison Von Vange: “For being supportive on a rough day.”
Jaimar Duprez: “He is an eager supporter of the whole child. He works with all kids and is someone they are always glad to see!! Too bad Van 2 is late so often!! But he still waits with grace and style!”
Dr. Cynthia Fletcher: “Thank you for being patient and willing to share your expertise. Thank you for taking the time to always building us up.”
Mary Guzman –Lewis: “She is professional, personable and dedicated to our students!”
Maleehe Asif: “She is caring, helpful and loves the students! She is receptive to feedback and is always optimistic.”
Mr. Jay: “He has great rapport with the students and has stepped up for additional tasks outside the classroom! He is receptive to feedback and always smiling!”
Jahira Felix: “She is kind, optimistic and caring. She has a great relationship with the students and eager to learn!”
Kimberly Poepplein: “She always greets you with a smile. Kim deserves to be commended for all of her hard work and dedication to keeping us all safe.”
Deborah Angstadt: “Welcome back! She is kind, caring and calm! She has a great relationship with the students and has been incredibly helpful sharing her experience and ideas.”
Allison Von Vange: “Allison Von Vange is Woodhull’s own Santa! She and her group of Huntington Warriors have been such an amazing group to work with. Their holiday cheer and generosity will be felt by many in the Huntington community this season. Allison, your hard work is noticed, appreciated and valued. Thank you!”
Nicole Smith: “Thank you for checking in on your colleague when you noticed they were not themselves. An act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”
Catherine Juliano: “Ms. Juliano is the ying to my yang and I would be completely lost without her! Thank you for being an awesome colleague!”
Andrew Cumming: “Mr. Cumming always provides the students with fun and engaging activities in both tech and library.”
Colleen Mahoney: “Colleen is an amazing Math RTI teacher and coach! She cares so much about her students and fellow co-workers. Colleen is always helping someone with something, often putting their needs before her own. I feel so lucky to have her as a colleague and a friend!”
Carol Ann Kinane: “Carol Ann always has time to offer support and help to others as both a mentor and colleague. She should be recognized for the fact that she has given up nearly every free period and lunch in the service of her students and fellow teachers.”
Christina Droskoski: “Christina always has made herself available to assist with all
AIMSweb questions and has helped with benchmarking.”
David Behling: “I had been waiting for some missing mail and had told David about it.
Not only did he keep an eye out for the elusive mailman but, he delivered the mail to me personally.”
Desire Lahoz: “I am grateful for making this year of transition easy because she is a team player.
Dr. Vincenza Caruso: “I nominate Dr. Caruso for her partnership in fifth grade.”
Dr. Julissa Garris-Shade: “She is always ready to help!”
Jackie Reichle: “Jackie is always smiling and is dedicated to her students! She is a team player!”
Shout-out to Woodhull Staff: “We support one another, collaborate, are dedicated to our students and have been positive and resilient despite of loss, illness, fear/anxiety, and all the other challenges that we have faced. May we all have a peaceful, joyous, and restful holiday break!”
Andrew Cumming: “Always accommodating to make sure the students receive library and or technology! Thank you.”
Dr. Julissa Garris-Shade: “She is a team player. Always welcoming and loving to the students. She is the consumate professional and is always compassionate. She works hard to make sure parents are aware of their student needs and abilities and helps to make families feel connected to our school.”