Washington students at a special kindness themed bulletin board.

Spreading Kindness the Washington Way

Washington students at a special kindness themed bulletin board.

February 8, 2022

Washington Primary School students have caught the spirit of kindness that has been sweeping around Huntington UFSD.

“Spread Kindness! It’s the Washington Way!” says Principal Michelle Richards as she makes her way around the building each day.

Students, faculty and support staff members celebrated Kindness Week at Washington School with an all-out effort to be kind to each other and everyone else in the world before and after school as well.

“Throughout the week, students focused on new and different ways to be kind to each other,” Dr. Richards explained. “The Kindness Patrol was out and about looking for acts of kindness.”

Students who were “caught being kind” were rewarded with a “Kindness Starts with Me!” sticker.

School psychologist Christina Martino and social worker Linda Kohan created a “Kindness is Popping Up All Over” bulletin board where students were able to post acts of kindness.

First grader Milo Yang, a student in teacher Lauren Soskil’s class, read aloud a book about kindness to his classmates.

“During the morning announcements over the public address system, kindness quotes were read, such as Aesop’s ‘No act of Kindness no matter how small is ever wasted,’” Dr. Richards said. “Kindness is the Washington way. We took this opportunity to think new and creative ways to be kind to others every day.”