Huntington senior Emely Cruz.

Huntington Senior Emely Cruz is a Class Act

Huntington senior Emely Cruz.

August 31 , 2022

Emely Cruz is a class act. The Huntington High School senior does everything with style and grace and it hasn’t gone unnoticed. The teenager is very highly regarded and is an essential ingredient in the Class of 2023.

Ms. Cruz is a sensational young woman who has been earning very good grades while participating in the high school’s extracurricular activities and sports programs. She has made strong connections with her teachers and is simply adored by her classmates.

Widely considered as a sweet, sincere and kind soul who works hard and always does her best, Ms. Cruz is just an all-around good person. She’s articulate and good natured and she has a wonderful sense of humor.

“Over the summer I spent a majority of my time working and saving up my money for future trips I would like taking with either friends or family,” Ms. Cruz said. “I also spent my time getting ready for the 2022 marching band season as a section leader for the color guard.”

Ms. Cruz has devoted the past three years to exploring the high school’s course offerings and she isn’t through just yet.

“One course I am especially looking forward to this year is African American and Latino Politics,” Ms. Cruz said. “I took an interest in this class when I first started working on my National History Day project about the Young Lords, who were a radical activist group in the 1960s in New York City. Through this class, I desire to learn more and more about similar activist groups based in New York State and around the United States who really advocated for social change.”

Much of Ms. Cruz’s free time is spent training and rehearsing with the Huntington Blue Devil marching band. “I am especially exited for the marching band season and I do look forward to getting to know and see how the new marching band director does during the season and also the new staff,” she said.

Ms. Cruz is also looking forward to her fourth season with the Blue Devil varsity fencing team. “I also would like to get involved in a few more honor societies and clubs that will benefit me and my studies,” she said.

The teenager is interested in the University of Rochester, Fordham University, Colgate University and University at Buffalo. “These schools are some of my favorite possible choices because they have great opportunities/programs in international relations and finance which are two paths of study I will definitely take,” Ms. Cruz said. “I don’t have a definite career choice in mind, but all I know is with time and research I want to take my own time determining my career interests.”

Ms. Cruz spent the past two weeks training with the marching band and participating in its annual camp, which culminated with a spectacular parent show last Sunday.

“So far my high school experience has been great; meeting new people like the underclassmen and getting to know people in my own grade more and more even though it will be our last year together,” Ms. Cruz said.