The Huntington varsity softball team.

Blue Devils Promote Flower Hill PARP

The Huntington varsity softball team.

April 4, 2022

The Blue Devil varsity softball team has helped promote Flower Hill Primary School PTA’s Parents as Reading Partners 2022 initiative. This year’s theme is “Take Me Out to the Library!” Does it sound familiar?

 Flower Hill's PARP initiative has a take me out to the ballgame theme.
Flower Hill's PARP initiative has a take me out to the ballgame theme.

“Take Me Out to the Ball Game has become a sort of baseball anthem since the Tin Pan Alley genre song debuted in 1908. It is typically sung during the seventh inning “stretch” of baseball games. At Wrigley Field in Chicago, someone usually sings it lives from the press box level.

When PARP kicked off at Flower Hill last week, students entered “Fox Field” to bright decorations, motivational reading signs, an inspirational Hall of Fame and a baseball diamond in the cafeteria. Organizers said they hope “through the fun theme of baseball and softball, kids will be motivated to read and learn more about all of the amazing resources at the Huntington Public Library,” according to PTA officials. 

The initiative’s kick-off ceremony featured Blue Devil varsity softball stars. The Huntingotn teammates recorded a video earlier in the week encouraging all Flower Hill Foxes to read for at least 20 minutes a day, which teachers and parents hope will help them develop a lifelong love of reading.  

Blue Devil softball team members invited Flower Hill students to come watch a home game during PARP and to bring a favorite book for the players to autograph. Flower Hill has also invited the players to come read to the students. “Together, we will hit a reading homerun,” the PTA said.

“”Giving back to the community, which has been so generous to us, is really a pleasure,” Huntington softball head coach John Walsh said. “Performing community service is something our team takes seriously and enjoys.”