Huntington High School junior Nadeera Ali

Junior Nadeera Ali Sets Sights on Career in Medicine

Huntington High School junior Nadeera Ali

September 28, 2021

Nadeera Ali is one of Huntington High School’s most impressive students. The junior has already completed a ten week immersion program at Columbia University and is in her second year of work and studies with the Huntington Breast Cancer Action Coalition and that’s just a small taste of what has been keeping her busy.

Ms. Ali has fully embraced her high school years as she goes about preparing for a career in medicine. She is a charismatic and inspirational young woman who commands the respect of classmates and teachers.

“This past summer was a quiet one for me,” Ms. Ali said. “I worked in town, went to marching band rehearsals, spent time with friends and started prepping for the school year.”

The high school environmental club’s vice president and a drum major with the Huntington Blue Devil marching band, Ms. Ali’s leadership skills are among the very best.

“I intend to continue with Key Club and Habitat for Humanity as a participating member,” Ms. Ali said. “I am also a proud member of National English Honor Society and Tri-M Music Honor Society and I hope I am able to do more with those organizations this year. My biggest hope is that activities resume as normal as the virus allows because they are one of my favorite things about Huntington.”

Outside of school hours, Ms. Ali will be continuing her internship work with the Huntington Breast Cancer Action Coalition. The teenager has been studying how the environment impacts the frequency of certain diseases and illnesses

“The two courses that I have been looking forward to are Advanced Placement Chemistry with teacher Danielle Raguzin and Science Research Advanced with teacher Lori Kenny,” the teenager said. “I am aware of the rigor of AP Chemistry and I expect to be challenged, but I find chemistry extremely intriguing and I think it will be fun to dive deeper into that topic. I am really happy to be continuing science research with Mrs. Kenny. It is one of my favorite classes and my partners and I have a really fun project planned for the coming year so I am very much looking forward to it.”

Ms. Ali has quietly been compiling an exceptional academic record along with some really impressive co-curricular resume. The junior works hard to accomplish her goals.

“I definitely have my sight set on medicine as a career,” Ms. Ali said. “As for what type or field of medicine, I honestly don’t know yet, but there are plenty of options I can choose from as I learn more about myself and the options. With this in mind, I will most likely pursue a major in the STEM field.”