Huntington senior Christopher Maichin has committed to attend Colby College and play on its lacrosse team

Chris Maichin Commits to Colby College Lacrosse

Huntington senior Christopher Maichin has committed to attend Colby College and play on its lacrosse team

September 24, 2021

Huntington senior Christopher Maichin has committed to play lacrosse at Colby College in Maine. An academic and athletic standout over the past four years, the teenager has achieved in every possible way and is one of the top members of the Class of 2022.

“I chose Colby for a number of reasons,” Mr. Maichin said. “First for its amazing academic offerings and academic rigor and for the extremely competitive and strong culture that is Colby lacrosse. After speaking with the coaches, touring the school and its facilities, both academic and athletic, I knew that this was the place for me. I also chose Colby because of the location. I have been visiting Maine since I was born, going to my grandparents log cabin on a lake just 45 minutes away. I’ve always called Maine my favorite place in the world and once I got the call that Colby was interested, I couldn’t wait to visit.”

 Huntington teacher Soraya Triessl with a fourth grade Christopher Maichin at his lacrosse game.
Huntington teacher Soraya Triessl with a fourth grade Christopher Maichin at his lacrosse game.

Mr. Maichin has aced his classes in every academic discipline and his college and career options appear to be limitless.

“I am going to be majoring in government, which is Colby’s political science major,” Mr. Maichin said. “I plan on going to law school and to pursue a career in politics with a possible run for Congress and/or the US Senate.”

A member of five different academic honor societies, Mr. Maichin plans to participate in the activities of each of them this year, volunteering and assisting in whatever way he can.

The senior is co-president of the National History Day club. “The entire club is really excited to assist students with their projects in person this year,” Mr. Maichin said. “All of our officers are seniors who have three years of NHD experience, each winning multiple awards at the local, regional, state and national levels. If anyone needs help with their NHD project, the NHD club is a great resource to better your project.”

A standout member of Huntington High School’s mock trial team for many years, Mr. Maichin is co-president of the organization, which is one of Suffolk’s finest courtroom programs.

“I am very excited about mock trial this year,” Mr. Maichin said. “Our entire team is returning and after an unsatisfying loss in the county semifinals last year, we are prepared to come back with the same preparation and tenacity and win a county championship and make a run at state championships.”

Mr. Maichin and his family are very closely associated with lacrosse. His sister, Abby is a Notre Dame sophomore who plays on the NCAA Division I team there. He is looking forward to his final season in a Blue Devil uniform next spring.

“Lacrosse has been a big part of my life and experience at Huntington,” Mr. Maichin said. “I could not have asked to play for a better program during my high school career. Being a part of it since eighth grade, I have truly grown as a player and person and that is all due to the culture all the coaches have created here. Having the year we did last year, being conference champions and going 12-2 in the regular season was amazing. But this year we are striving for more than that. With the loss of some key seniors, a lot of us are going to have to step up and take on their roles, but I believe that we can do that and make it far with this team.”

Mr. Maichin is an excellent student, earning high grades in challenging courses. He is well-liked by his teachers and classmates. His smile, laugh and overall pleasant personality and sense of humor are disarming. He has charisma and his work ethic is second to none.

“My No. 1 teachers have to be Mrs. [Lauren] Desiderio and Mrs. [Paige] Furman,” the senior said. “They have both taught me so much throughout high school. I have been with Mrs. Des since freshman year, being in her Global 9 Honors class. I instantly took to her teaching style and personality and have built a great relationship with her ever since. I’m her intern for one of her AP World History classes and am having a great time being able to work alongside her and continue to learn from her.”

Mr. Maichin shined in the high school’s Virtual Enterprise course as a junior and he will always have fond memories of the class. “I have known Mrs. Furman since my sophomore year, being in her business management class,” the teenager said. “I really began to love her as a teacher when I was in her VE class last year. Under her guidance, we were able to make it all the way to nationals with our firm. She is fun; a great teacher and makes you want to continue to learn, grow and be successful in all aspects of your life. Both of these teachers have had a major influence on my life and have helped shape me into not only the student I am, but the person I am as well.”

The senior has enjoyed a splendid experience in Huntington UFSD, growing in every possible way and capturing the respect and affection of everyone.

“When I think back on all my years in Huntington, there are so many memories from lacrosse to friends to school that stand out, but when I think about an all-time highlight, I have to go back to fourth grade with my dual-language teacher, Mrs. [Soraya] Triessl,” Ms. Maichin said. “She is one of my all-time favorite teachers. Even though it was so long ago, I still have so many great memories from her class. One of the greatest highlights was when she came, in the cold, all the way to Huntington to watch my PAL lacrosse game on a Sunday. I was so appreciative at the time and as I look back on it, I realize even more how amazing and awesome that was. To have a teacher like that who cared so much about her students to take time out of their weekend to come and support them. At the end of the year I wrote an essay that she framed and hung on her wall about how amazing and impactful that class was to me. I wonder if she still has it up? Either way, I will always cherish those memories of her and that year.”

Mr. Maichin has learned all the ins and outs of Huntington UFSD and has an excellent grasp on the opportunities available to every student. He encourages underclassmen to use these years to benefit them now and in the future.

“Get involved in as much as you can and don’t take anything for granted,” Mr. Maichin said. “These four years go by so fast. At one moment you’re a freshman and you blink and it’s your senior year. Get involved in sports, clubs and different activities that make you happy and that will better you as a person. You don’t get these four years back so make the most of them!”

As his senior year begins to unfold in earnest, Mr. Maichin said he plans to savor every day he has remaining at Huntington High School.

“I could not have asked for a better experience at Huntington,” Mr. Maichin said. “From school to clubs to sports, I feel I have made the most of my high school experience and I can’t wait to continue to enjoy my senior year with everyone that has been here with me along the way.”