Artemis is a Huntington High School Virtual Enterprise company.

Huntington’s Artemis Flexes Corporate Muscles

Artemis is a Huntington High School Virtual Enterprise company.

October 25 , 2021

Artemis is starting to flex its corporate muscles. The Huntington High School Virtual Enterprise course company is beginning to get some wind under its wings and take to flight.

The Artemis product line features a pet collar that helps maintain the health and safety of pets. Its features include tracking a pets’ location, heart rate monitor and a cell phone app that connects to an owner’s phone so they can keep track of a pet’s wellness.

A full-year, one credit business course that is available to juniors and seniors, “Virtual Enterprise is a simulated business that is set-up and run by students to prepare them for working in a real business environment,” according to the high school’s course bulletin.

Artemis’ executive team includes Sophie Bradford (chief executive officer), Angie Hernandez-Ramos (chief operating officer), Charles Girimonti (chief financial officer), McKenna Buffa (chief technical officer), Markella Markotsis (chief marketing officer), Christopher Tittman (human resources) and Vincent Grassi (administration).

The company’s employee team features Anthony Annunziata, Mathew Armstrong, Quincy Chery, Lucas Cirlincione, Ethan Evans, Quinn Fox, Madeleine Gabriel, Paul Knieriem, Tessie Maerz, Gabriella Miller, Jillian Panos, Tyler Paragallo, Enzo Pupillo, Micheal Queen, James Rosselli, Nicholas Sineno and Zachary Zboray.

“I’m so excited to see how our company expands this year and to gain business experience from this class,” Ms. Bradford said.

The company has created an Instagram page. Check it out by entering @artemis.vei in the Instagram search bar.

“I’m so excited to be the head of our marketing department,” Ms. Markotsis said. “We have a great team and I’m so excited to see where this business will take us.”