Evan Martinez likes a good challenge and the Huntington High School Class of 2021 member will get it as he goes about studying aerospace engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida.

Evan Martinez is headed to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Mr. Martinez said he owes his success to his time management skills. Allowing himself plenty of time to complete his assignments and providing for a good balance of work with down time has been a key component of being able to achieve so much over the past four years.
Named a Distinguished Senior after compiling an academic average of 90 or better during the first seven semesters of high school, Mr. Martintez said he credits his parents for giving him the support needed to push forward through difficult times.
He’s enjoyed the friendships he’s developed with classmates and the interactions he’s had with his “fantastic teachers.” The social side of high school has also been a fun and rewarding experience for the teenager.
Perhaps his favorite activity has been performing with the Huntington Blue Devil marching band. He has taken delight working with his fellow musicians, members of the color guard and the band’s professional staff. “They have been like a family and taught me so much,” Mr. Martinez said.