Huntington High School senior Grace McKean.

H-ton Senior Grace McKean Considers Herself Fortunate

Huntington High School senior Grace McKean.

January 27 , 2021

Senior Grace McKean considers herself fortunate to be enjoying such a great experience at Huntington High School in a town she loves. The happy, optimistic and popular young woman cares about others and lives her life in a way that makes everyone around her proud.

“Some of the courses that most interest me this year are Advanced Placement Psychology and Financial Algebra,” Ms. McKean said. “I took regular psychology last year and I found the course very interesting, so I decided to continue with AP this year. I plan on taking psychology courses in college to explore it as a possible career path.”

The teenager works very hard at her classes and her spot on the high school’s high honor roll proves she has learned her lessons well.

“Financial Algebra has taught me many things that I can use in future,” Ms. McKean said. “A lot of what we learn applies to real life situations that I will encounter and Mrs. [Patricia] Avelli has made everything really easy to understand. She is one of the teachers I was looking forward to working with this year. Math has always been a subject I struggled with, but Mrs. Avelli ensures that I am on track and understand every lesson.”

Ms. McKean has been integrally involved in Huntington’s Key Club chapter. “I have been a member since my freshman year and it has always been something I really enjoyed,” she said. “I have been most active in the K-Factor talent show the club hosts every year. I work backstage with the participants. The community service activities this club partakes in have showed me that I want to continue with clubs like this when I go to college.”

The senior’s closest friends include Maren Grosso, Lilly Joseph, Ryan Aguirre, Alexa Rind, and Jailyn Fuentes. “Some teachers that have mentored me are Mrs. [Elizabeth] Casazza and Ms. [Camille] Tedeschi,” Ms. McKean said. “I have had several classes with both of these teachers and they both push me to do better and stay on top of my work.”

The teenager gets along well with her teachers and the relationships have helped her excel throughout high school.

“One teacher that I have had over the years that has really stood out to me is Mrs. Casazza,” Ms. McKean said. “This is my second year with her and she has really helped me become a better student and stay on top of my work. She always gives me opportunities to prove myself and I’m grateful for that.”

The teenager’s advice to incoming Huntington freshmen? “Don’t get caught up in trying to have the perfect high school experience,” Ms. McKean said. “I think that everyone puts a lot of pressure on themselves to make these four years the best of their life, but it’s important to stay focused on the work and getting involved in clubs and extracurriculars. There is a way to have fun and keep your grades up. You just have to find the right balance.”

Ms. McKean is particularly interested in the University of Maryland and the University of Connecticut. “As of now, my major is undecided, but I do have an interest in psychology and human development,” she said.

While Ms. McKean is looking ahead with excitement, she is also enjoying her time as a high school senior in a town that she loves.

“My experience at Huntington has been great and a lot of who I am today can be attributed to this town,” Ms. McKean said. “I feel lucky to have been able live in a town with so much diversity and opportunity. Huntington High allows students certain freedoms and individuality that you can’t get anywhere else. As much as I am looking forward to going to college in a few months, I’ll miss the community and connections I have found in this town.”