Giving a voice to students is what Huntington High School's student government is all about

Student Leaders Encourage Participation in GO

Giving a voice to students is what Huntington High School's student government is all about.

January 5, 2021

You can call it student government, student council, GO or any other name, but it all means the same thing; student leaders coming together in an organization to represent the interests of their classmates and collaborating on initiatives to make school life better for everyone.

Huntington High School’s student government leaders feel they are involved in something very worthwhile. The teenagers believe that every student should consider getting involved and they encourage everyone to do just that.

The school-wide student government executive board includes Isaiah James (president), John Holly (vice president), Drew Spina (recording secretary), Jorge Parada-Cisneros (treasurer) and Alexa Rind (public relations coordinator).

“Students should definitely get involved with student government because they can give a voice to their classmates,” Mr. Parada-Cisneros said. “We’re trying to come with new traditions and work with what we have. I can say that these past four years have been fun and I encourage upcoming freshmen and students who haven’t joined yet to do it next year.”

There’s always a need for more participation. “Getting involved in student government gives you the opportunity to make the changes that you want to see, learn great leadership skills, make great friendships and make school a better experience for everyone in it,” Mr. Holly said.

People participate in student government for many different reasons. “I think students should get involved because you get involved with your community and your fellow peers,” Mr. Spina said. “This club just gives you so many opportunities.”

Huntington’s Class of 2021 is led by Taylor Case (president), Charlotte Maggio (vice president), Matthew Colavecchio (recording secretary), Bella Algieri (treasurer) and Gianna Prosseda (public relations coordinator).

The Class of 2022 elected Teddi Carnesi (president), Ashley Genao (vice president), Erin Ye (recording secretary), Cassidy Casabona (treasurer) and Katie Browne (public relations coordinator) to serve as its officers.

“Kids should be involved in student government for many reasons,” Ms. Genao said. “Yes, it’s a great club to be in for the school, but student government gives you the opportunity to really connect with the student body as a whole and your graduating class. Personally, I love it because I get to really get to feel a part of the school and connect with a lot of people, especially during these difficult times.”

Many of the leaders have participated in student government in one way or another for many years. “Kids should be involved with student government because it allows them to express their thoughts and ideas that could make the Huntington community a better place,” Ms. Carnesi said. “It’s a great way to be involved with your community and learn leadership skills.”

All of the leaders are completely committed to making Huntington High School the best place it can be.

“Student government is a great way to get involved in school and make a difference,” Ms. Ye said. “From homecoming preparation to community food drives to fundraising for prom, I’ve had such a great time making new friends and representing my peers. I’d recommend that everybody go to their class meetings, because you want to have a say in decisions that affect you!”

Participating in the student government offers a sense of ownership and provides opportunities to develop a long list of skills. It’s fun, too.

“I feel that kids should get involved in student government because it’s a great opportunity to make some new friends and to play a larger role in the Huntington High School community,” Ms. Casabona said. “It’s also the perfect way to have your voice heard and to share your ideas for activities that we can do to bring everyone together, especially during this tough time.”

Huntington’s freshmen and sophomore leaders are also steadily making their mark, even though the typical slate of activities has been dramatically altered by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ella Kamenstein (president), Rachel Morina (vice president), Neha Rathore (recording secretary), Leah Sheran (treasurer) and Mackenzie Ahern (public relations coordinator) are the leaders of Huntington’s Class of 2023.

The Class of 2024 is led by Huntington freshmen Katherine Estrada (president), Zaida Correal (vice president), Jordana Paniccia (recording secretary), Reese Rinaldi (treasurer) and Joanna Lee (public relations coordinator).