Junior Carl Pulizzotto took this colorful photo.

Junior Carl Pulizzotto Dazzles as a Photographer

Carl Pulizzotto snapped this delightful image of his girlfriend, Isabel Potter.

January 4, 2021

A snow day assignment for Huntington High School photography students allowed the teenagers to explore their cameras and their craft and expand their horizons. The results are impressive, including a particularly beautiful image snapped by junior Carl Pulizzotto.

Art teacher Pamela Piffard-Williams knew the storm was coming, so one day earlier she presented a lesson detailing the finer points of snow photography. Her students learned quickly.

 Huntington High School junior Carl Pulizzotto.
Huntington High School junior Carl Pulizzotto.

“It was a snowy photo shoot assignment and I normally don’t do portraits, but I decided to for this assignment because it’s something different for me,” Mr. Pulizzotto said. “I had more fun taking it because it is of my girlfriend. I also thought Ms. Piff would enjoy it being that it’s Robert Potter’s daughter. I’m hoping to major in technical education and I could be a photo teacher with that field. I’m also going to take Advanced Placement Studio Art-2D next year as well.”

Robert Potter was a popular and brilliant Huntington High School art teacher who passed away suddenly in November 2010. He taught ceramics (pottery) and sculpture, began working in Huntington in September 2006 after embarking on a major change in his career as an artist. After completing a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at Pratt Institute, he worked for 17 years for famed artist Peter Maxx.

While employed as a practicing sculptor and studying for a master’s degree in art education at Adelphi University, Mr. Potter came to Huntington High School to observe art teacher Kristin Singer’s class. “We knew immediately that he was an incredible artist and teacher,” Mrs. Singer said. “We followed his career and after student teaching, we were thrilled to welcome him to our Huntington art faculty.”

Isabel Potter proved to be a great model in the snow. The image is one of Mrs. Piffard-Williams’ favorites from the snow day assignment. Mr. Pulizzotto used a Canon EOS Rebel T3i digital SLR camera for the photoshoot.

Mr. Pulizzotto has been looking forward to working with high school technology teacher Brian Reynolds. “I want to be his intern next year and hope it gives me experience in the job and field I want to be in for my life,” the teenager said. “This year, I’m also enjoying the health class I’m in because it’s a class you can apply to your life right away.”

The junior plans to continue playing on the Blue Devil golf and lacrosse teams. “Outside of school, I am the senior patrol leader of my Boy Scout troop, so I am the head and run my troop,” Mr. Pulizzotto said.

The teenager’s closest friends include Francesca Stamatatos, Joe O’Connell and April Swanson.

Mr. Reynolds has mentored Mr. Pulizzotto. “He made sure all the things I made in shop and CIM (computer integrated manufacturing) were up to my own and his standards, so it didn’t seem rushed and I would be truly happy with the work,” junior said.

Teachers Dina Telesco and Natalia Kopshti are two faculty members who “always stand out to me,” Mr. Pulizzotto said. “Ms. Telesco was my fourth and fifth grade teacher. She always related our lessons to her life and kids. It made her more personal to us and she always wanted the best for us and didn’t teach to the test. Ms. Kopshti also was always great to me. She was my Italian III teacher last year. She knew I wasn’t good in the class because she proctored my retake of the FLA exam while everyone else passed. But she really supported me. She made the class fun for me and all of us. She knew I wasn’t going to get 100s and I was there for the credit, but she made me enjoy the class.”

The teenager’s advice to incoming freshmen? “Relax and enjoy,” Mr. Pulizzotto said. “Your life is going to get more hectic than it already is. One of my favorite quotes is ‘Know the difference between enjoying your youth and destroying your future.’”

Mr. Pulizzotto is currently looking to SUNY College at Oswego. “I want to be a shop teacher,” he said.

A strong young man, Mr. Pulizzotto has navigated his way around various challenges and obstacles over the years. While some doubted his abilities, he eventually emerged more confident than ever, believing in himself, taking his classes seriously and earning very good grades.

“Overall, Huntington has been pretty good to me,” Mr. Pulizzotto said.

Carl Pulizzotto has an eye for detail as a photographer.
Carl Pulizzotto has an eye for detail as a photographer.
Junior Carl Pulizzotto took this colorful photo.
Junior Carl Pulizzotto took this colorful photo.