These windows are colorful at Jack Abrams School.

Jack Abrams STEM School Spreads Holiday Cheer

These windows are colorful at Jack Abrams School.

December 17, 2021

Jack Abrams STEM Magnet School students are busy spreading holiday cheer by helping others whenever they get a chance. The youngsters are celebrating the season by sharing an assortment of family traditions and displaying generosity for those in the community who need it most.

“The season of giving began in November with students holding a Thanksgiving food drive,” Principal Donna Moro said. “While we have done drives every year, this year was the largest single collection we have ever had!  Donations were given to the Helping Hand Rescue Mission.” 

 STEM students are making cards for Carillon residents.
STEM students are making cards for Carillon residents.

Once the Thanksgiving food drive had concluded, STEM students and their families wasted little time before collecting mittens, socks, scarves and hats for distribution throughout the community. “The collection efforts have looked just as impressive as the food drive,” Ms. Moro said.

Jack Abrams School students are currently working hard to make someone’s day a little brighter by making holiday cards for the Carillon Nursing & Rehabilitation Center.  Hundreds of cards have already been made. The cards will be delivered on Monday afternoon.

STEM families have come together to create a wonderful holiday keepsake: The First Annual STEM Holiday Cookbook. “Families shared traditional family recipes from all parts of the world including El Salvador, Greece, Israel, Puerto Rico, Hungary, Guatemala, Germany, Italy, Mexico and Ireland,” Ms. Moro. “The recipes will be shared with families prior to the winter vacation. We hope our families will enjoy trying a new recipe over the break.”

Messages of cultural celebrations line the hallways at Jack Abrams STEM Magnet School as students share their traditions and favorite parts of the holiday season. 

“These messages written on gift boxes cover nearly every open space in our lobby and are a reminder of all that we love about this season,” Ms. Moro said.