Huntington High School has a very active Interact Club chapter.

Interact Club Maintains Focus Despite Pandemic’s Limits

Huntington High School has a very active Interact Club chapter.

April 21, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected Huntington High School’s Interact Club, just like it has impacted every other aspect of life. The organization has faced many obstacles in the pursuit of its goals, but its members are moving ahead in the remaining months of the current school year and already planning for next year, too.

A Rotary International program for teenagers, Interact strives to carry out hands-on projects and offers members a chance to make international connections, develop leadership skills and have fun while making a positive difference in the world.

Linda Costello-Roth serves as the Huntington High School Interact Club’s faculty advisor. The club’s executive board consists of Isabella DiBenedetto (president), Isabella Algieri (vice president), Alexa Amorison (secretary) and Ally Kustera (treasurer).

“The Interact Club’s main focus is community outreach,” Ms. Kustera said. “From working with the elementary students to organizing massive district-wide collections, the Interact Club does it all. One of the most compelling aspects about Interact is the variety. We are always open to new ideas and willing to take on new projects. One of the Interact Club’s most successful project this year was the ‘Just be Nice’ merchandise sale.”

The Huntington club is open to any student in the building. There are nearly 15,000 Interact chapters comprised of about 342,953 members in 145 countries. Supported by the local Rotary Club, the high school chapter’s goal is to carry out at least two service projects a year, one local and the other aiding an international organization providing assistance to those in need.

“This year, it’s been a bit difficult to come up with fundraising ideas, but we’ve still done pretty well,” Ms. DiBenedetto said. “We have our ‘Just Be Nice’ campaign that has been going on throughout the year, where we have been selling t-shirts that say ‘Just Be Nice.’ I’m very happy that I’ve had the opportunity to be a part of this club for the last four years and to serve as president for the last two.”

Huntington Interact meets on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. via either Zoom or Google Meets. To participate in the club’s Remind app messages text @interacthu to 81010.

“We’re finishing up the year with the last leg of the food drive; hopefully going to win our friendly competition against Walt Whitman High School,” Ms. Algieri said. “We just elected new officers and I’m excited to see where these ladies take this club. It really has been so great to work with Mrs. Roth and the Rotary. Mrs. Roth truly is the greatest and is always guiding us with ideas and ways to approach solutions.”

Contact Mrs. Costello-Roth ( for more information about the Huntington High School Interact Club chapter.