Poseidon's National Business Plan Competition presentation team.

Poseidon Virtual Enterprise Team Reaches National Semi-Finals

Poseidon's National Business Plan Competition presentation team.

April 16, 2021

Huntington High School’s Poseidon Virtual Enterprise company team has advanced to the National Business Plan Competition’s semi-final round.

Poseidon’s business plan presentation team includes Alex Frawley (chief executive officer), Ainsley Proctor (chief operating officer), Richard Zboray (chief business officer), Victoria Mangan (vice president of design and IT), Robert Harrington (chief financial officer) and Evan O’Connell (vice president of sales).

“We are beyond excited about advancing to the national semi-finals,” Mr. Frawley said. “We have an exciting and unique product and an incredibly committed and hardworking team. Mrs. [Paige] Furman is an incredible teacher and has made sure we developed all the skills we need to succeed. We are looking forward to the next stage of the challenge.” 

Poseidon is among only 20 teams selected from over 600 teams nationally.

“Everything we have done this year has been an amazing experience and it wouldn’t have been possible without all the hard work from our class,” Mr. Frawley said. “We all came together as a team and produced great results.”

The firm’s product is an eco-friendly showerhead that tracks the amount of water used during a shower. The item connects to an app that displays the amount of water used in the shower. The company says its product will help limit water usage and help lower water bills.

“Without the help of every single person on our team, Poseidon simply would not be in the position we are in now,” Mr. Zboray said. “From spending several hours of their day at each and every trade show to spending countless hours on perfecting the business plan, every member of our team has proven themselves to be invaluable. We have done amazing so far and I am incredibly excited to see how we perform in the future.”

The Poseidon team has been working closely with each other and their teacher, Paige Furman. The group is excited and determined to go as far as they possibly can.

“The VE National Business Plan Competition challenges VE students from across the country to demonstrate their global business expertise through written business plans and oral presentations,” according to the organization. “The competition showcases best practices, rewards excellence and trains high school students to apply sophisticated knowledge and skills attributed to business professionals and college students. Teams from across the country participate in local and regional competitions to qualify for this event. The competition represents an opportunity for the VE community to motivate and reward its best performing VE teams and builds momentum for an already fast growing, unique program.”