Elections for class officers are set at Huntington High School

HHS Student Government Class Elections on Horizon

Elections for class officers are set at Huntington High School

October 19, 2020

Huntington High School student government class elections are on the horizon. Voting would have normally been held last spring, but the shutdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic prevented the usual campaigning.

Student government faculty advisors Danielle Raguzin and David Moriarty have been working with GO officers to figure out a way to hold elections for this year’s class officer representatives.

“We have a plan ready and it begins on Monday with the release of the official rules and procedures for students interested in running,” Mr. Moriarty said. “Students will submit a letter of intent by the end of next week and a short video explaining why they are best for the position due October 30. The videos will be a part of the voting form, which will be done through a Google form. Students will be allowed to campaign as soon as their letter of intent is received.”

Campaigning will be done traditionally, including hallway posters. Use of social media will also be encourage, “given our circumstances,” Mr. Moriarty said.

Elections will be held the week of November 2, “which happens to be election week for the United States so we think it is particularly appropriate,” Mr. Moriarty said. “Winners will be announced at the end of that week on November 6.”

The following link includes all important information regarding the campaign process, related rules and regulations and elections: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d3-Vclk31qGqwGuv7aXy89lKwW25m6p2/view?usp=sharing.

School-wide GO officers include Isaiah James (president), John Holly (vice president), Jorge Cisneros (treasurer), Drew Spina (secretary) and Alexa Rind (public relations coordinator). “They were really creative and found a fantastic way to include everyone interested in running for a position regardless of their cohort and in a manner that supports all procedures related to COVID-19,” Mr. Moriarty said. “Danielle and I were impressed at how they were able to adapt a system that had worked for years to such a challenging situation.”