Huntington High School senior Lily O'Heir.

Senior Lily O’Heir Seizes Upon Every Opportunity

Huntington High School senior Lily O'Heir.

October 19, 2020

Lily O’Heir is a dynamic young woman intent on making a difference in the world. The Huntington High School senior has compiled an all-around enviable record, sparkling academically, athletically, musically and socially. She’s planning an exciting future.

“I am excited to take Advanced Placement Psychology with Mr. [Peter] Crugnale,” Ms. O’Heir said. “I really enjoyed psychology last year so I am looking forward to learning it on a more advanced level. I am also looking forward to taking AP Italian with Mrs. [Natalia] Kopshti and Forensics with Mr. [Michael] Corcoran.”

The teenager plans to continue participating in Huntington’s Key Club chapter. “I have been a member of this club since I was a freshman and I look forward to it every year,” Ms. O’Heir said. “It gives me a way to interact with my community in ways that I can’t do by myself. Through this club, I have participated in the K-Factor talent show, which has been the most rewarding experience during my four years at Huntington High School. I always have fun dancing with my friends Jorge Cisneros and Ryan Aguirre in Los Tres Amigos.”

Ms. O’Heir also plans to continue playing on the Blue Devil varsity tennis team. “I love the sport and I have gained valuable friendships with many girls on the team,” she said. “Coach [Jamie] Fishlow never fails to push me to be my best and play every match with my full potential. He has taught me so much over the past three years and I will be forever grateful for his kindness and devotion to the team.”

The senior’s closest friends include Jorge Cisneros, Drew Spina, Gemma Pellegrini and Ryan Aguirre. “Mrs. Kopshti is one teacher that I have had a great pleasure in working with,” Ms. O’Heir said. “I got to work closely with her last year due to my secretarial role in the Italian Honor Society. Not only has she been a great teacher, but she is always there for me when I need her. She is a great listener and one of the kindest people I have met.”

Ms. O’Heir’s time in the high school music program has also been memorable. “Mr. [Brian] Stellato is another teacher that has stood out to me throughout my years at the high school,” she said. “He has been there for me through everything and I am so grateful to have been his student. Playing flute in the wind ensemble has allowed me to continue my musical studies with Mr. Stellato. The music department has always been so supportive of me and has given me unforgettable opportunities that have helped me to expand my musical skills.”

The teenager’s advice for freshmen? “Your time here goes by so fast,” Ms. O’Heir said. “High school is four years of your life and like anything, high school is what you make of it. Get involved in things, even if you don’t think you’ll like it. Try everything! Make the best out of what you are given. This is a hard year to start high school, but there are so many people in this school who are rooting for you and who will help you.”

The senior is considering Fordham University, Columbia University, CUNY Hunter College, CUNY City College and all of the other CUNY schools.

“I plan on majoring in psychology or social work depending on the school and what programs they have,” Ms. O’Heir said. “I want to pursue a career as a social worker. As a social worker, I want to eventually work in a school to help children, work in a prison to help those wrongfully incarcerated and families of inmates and I would love to work with children and families dealing with the effects of immigration.”

Even in the midst of the current modified conditions, Ms. O’Heir is doing everything she can to make her senior year meaningful and satisfying. She always seems to find a way to work any given situation to her advantage.

“All things considered, my experience at Huntington High School has been really good,” Ms. O’Heir said. “All the staff has been extremely helpful and I am so grateful for the people that I have met. The high school has given me so many opportunities that I am so grateful for. I am so excited to take everything that I’ve learned and apply it to my future career.”