Huntington's Hometown Virtual Enterprise Company has launched its operations

Hometown Virtual Enterprise Company Gets Rolling

Huntington's Hometown Virtual Enterprise Company has launched its operations

October 7, 2020

Who doesn’t have a longing for home when they’re miles away in some distant location? A group of Huntington High School students enrolled in the Virtual Enterprise business course are betting that most people harbor a fondness in their heart for their hometown.

The teenagers have formed a company that has been appropriately named “Hometown.” The group has chosen its leaders and assigned areas of responsibilities to each member of the company team. The firm is now gathering steam and is beginning to roll.

 Huntington business teacher Paige Tyree Furman.

“Our company provides people with the opportunity to obtain authentic Long Island food favorites sent to their home,” said junior Naysa Escobar, who has been tapped as Hometown’s chief executive officer. “It can be far, it can be close, but wherever in the United States you may be we will knock on your door with a care package bringing you nostalgia in every bite.”

The full-year, one credit business course is available to juniors and seniors. “Virtual Enterprise is a simulated business that is set-up and run by students to prepare them for working in a real business environment,” according to the high school’s course bulletin.

“During the course of time we plan to expand nationwide, not only bringing you the taste of Long Island, but the taste from your own home no matter where you are,” Ms. Escobar said. “And that is why our slogan is “a taste from miles away”

Hometown’s company team includes Christopher Maichin (chief operating officer), Alyson Baker (chief financial officer), Margo Nitekman (chief technical officer), Ashley Genao (chief marketing officer), Jillian LoTurco (chief human resources officer), Robert Smith (vice president of sales), Aiden Lefebvre (vice president of research), Kailey Rappel (social media and design specialist), Gretel Cassell (head of marketing associates), Molly Fallon (human resources associate), Gianna Prosseda (human resources associate), Kevin Drake (accounting associate), Richard Rongo (accounting associate), Edelyn Garcia (design associate), Lisa Martin (sales associate), Aidan McNulty (sales associate), Liam Lennon (marketing associate) and Osiris Shepherd (marketing associate).

The class is working closely with business teacher Paige Furman, who helps guide the group, but stays out of its way as the teenagers do their thing and create.

“I believe our company is shaping up very well,” Ms. Genao said. “We have a great team of people with so much potential. I strongly believe our product is going be a hit and even has the capability to be sensational. I can’t wait to see what our company brings this year and how it expands, but most importantly I can't wait for our product to flourish.”

Hybrid learning brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic has thrown obstacles in the way of the group as it goes about getting organized, but the students have found a way to boldly move forward.

“Our team is working especially hard on building a connection with each other as well as developing our product,” Ms. LoTurco said. “Our company, Hometown, is unique as it brings people the feeling of home while being miles away. I believe the idea we came up with as a team has great potential and I can't wait to represent Huntington UFSD in competition.”

The company team includes some really ingenious members. Everyone is expected to carry their weight and contribute in their own unique and collaborative way.

“Our VE company is beginning to look really great,” Mr. Maichin said. “We have an extremely creative and one of a kind idea that I believe can do very well. Since all positions are now in place, we can really get down to implementing all of the logistics as well as continuing to improve and innovate our idea. We have such a great group of people that I know will be committed to making our company a success. Although we have a long and challenging journey ahead of us, we are ready to make this idea come to fruition as well as make this company and its employees the best they can be.”