Huntington High School's Mathletes club welcomes anyone looking for a good challenge

Huntington High School Mathletes Energized by Challenges

Huntington High School's Mathletes club welcomes anyone looking for a good challenge

November 23, 2020

Huntington High School’s Mathletes team members always get energized by a good mathematical challenge and even with the COVID-19 pandemic still swirling around the world, this year is no different.

“So this year, we are doing things a little differently, due to the circumstances,” said math teacher Keith Mattis, who serves as the club’s faculty advisor. “From September through March, we meet virtually every Tuesday after school to discuss and try fun mathematical puzzles (Sudoku type puzzles) that all levels can do. They are usually logic centered, requiring no higher level math skills. We also do one or two more challenging math problems that I walk the students through.”

 Huntington High School math teacher Keith Mattis is the Mathletes club advisor.
Huntington High School math teacher Keith Mattis is the Mathletes club advisor.

Once a month, Huntington High School’s Mathletes team members compete virtually. “I post six challenging problems on Google Classroom and they answer them using Kami,” Mr. Mattis said. “This is part of a Suffolk County Math League and high scoring students and teams are recognized.”

Any Huntington High School student who is interested in math and having fun while pursuing mentally challenging activities are welcome to join the club. “There are definitely questions that all levels of students can handle,” Mr. Mattis said. “Students can still join. There is no selection process or cuts or anything.”

Interested? Students can join the group by stopping by to see Mr. Mattis in Room 121 at the high school. Sign-ups are available by logging on to Google Classroom: Code y2y5ogt or through Remind: Text @limathlete to 81010.

Need more information? Send a message to Mr. Mattis at