Huntington students are striving to banish negative thoughts and stay positive about a future without COVID-19

Huntington Looks Beyond COVID-19 to Brighter Days

Huntington students are striving to banish negative thoughts and stay positive about a future without COVID-19

November 18, 2020

It’s easy for a person to get down during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has brought so many changes to so many different aspects of our lives. Huntington High School students have been relying on their family, friends, teachers and coaches to help them get through a very difficult period that is now in its eighth month.

As difficult as it has been, Huntington students are looking forward to brighter days ahead, especially with all the news reports of successful vaccines being made available soon.

“This pandemic has really affected everyone,” senior Angelica Hernandez said. “Personally, I had a lot of growth these past few months. I’ve also kept on touch with a few of my teachers especially, Mr. [Robert] Gilmor. When things got really bad at the first peak of the pandemic we would meet on Wednesdays with other Natural Helpers and teachers and just talk. I think that really helped me become a better friend because I kept in touch with many of my friends. It’s also affected my high school experience, but I know that Huntington will always make us feel special, not only the Class of 2021.”

All-State football player Nasir Youngblood is upset with how COVID-19 has interrupted his life. It’s impacted his athletic career in ways that previously could not have been imagined and also thrown roadblocks in his quest to be recruited by colleges. But he’s striving to put his negative feelings aside and think positively and toward brighter days ahead.

“Honestly, I hate this COVID stuff,” Mr. Youngblood said. “It’s messed up a lot of things for me such as missing the spring track season, a whole summer of training and having fun and most importantly, my fall football season. I was really looking forward to playing this fall. but COVID took that away from me. COVID really does nothing but affect me in many negative ways. I just want this all to be over. I want things to go back to normal and I hope it does. I'm still hoping I get to have a spring football season. My fingers are crossed. Recruiting has also been hard. COVID kind of messed that up. Now I just try to look at this in positive way. I don’t want to think negatively of this any longer. I just want to make it through all of this and hopefully get back into school and go back to school normally.”

Being thankful for the little things in life is a practice that has increasingly been embraced by Huntington students. It is helping them grow and get through the pandemic that continues to rage on.

“It’s really been an adjustment overall, especially with not being able to see some of my family and getting used to learning online,” junior Kianna Criscuola said. “However, I am thankful that many of our clubs and activities have been able to continue, even though most are virtual for now.”

Staying strong and getting even stronger. Students are trying to do both. It isn’t always easy, but these are some of the most extraordinary teenagers that can be found anywhere in the world.

“While the pandemic has affected all of us in different ways and I’m lucky to have been safe and healthy, I realized the importance of community and mental health during these past eight months,” junior Erin Ye said. “In the absence of sports and other group activities, I really relied on my friends and family for comfort and motivation. I think Huntington has done a great job of making school during a pandemic manageable and productive and I hope that someday we’ll be able to come together stronger than ever.”