Southdown School's new YouTube channel is encouraging students to read

Southdown Stories Initiative Launches

Southdown School's new YouTube channel is encouraging students to read

May 8, 2020

Southdown Primary School has rolled out a fun and exciting new initiative for students. Southdown Stories is a YouTube channel created just for the youngsters. There are already several videos posted and more are coming soon.

“Our goal is to have a different faculty, staff or community member read a book to our students each school night,” Southdown Principal Scott Oshrin said. “I will be e-mailing out the link and announcement of a guest reader each night. All you will need to do is click on the link and enjoy the story.”

 Southdown Primary School Principal Scott Oshrin.
Southdown Primary School Principal Scott Oshrin.

Teachers Meghan Kenny, Yanira Ventura and Valerie Murray have spearheaded the initiative. Southdown faculty members have embraced the new YouTube channel and plan to share their favorite books.

The initiative formally kicked off this week with Mr. Oshrin sharing a book that his daughter had bought at her school’s book fair for the two of them to read together. They both believed Southdown students would like it, too.

Huntington Superintendent James W. Polansky has even recorded a book. “While we plan to have Southdown staff as regular readers, we also hope to have community members as guest readers,” Mr. Oshrin said. “Mr. Polansky was an obvious choice for our first guest reader. He loves to share funny books with the children and does so on a routine basis throughout the school year.”

To find the new YouTube channel type Southdown Stories in the search bar. “Our goal is to stay connected with our students as much as possible,” Mr. Oshrin said. “We have an incredible staff that is always coming up with new ways to put a smile on the face of the children.”

The “word of the week” at Southdown has been “upstanding.” Mr. Oshrin encouraged students to use the word at home with their families throughout the current week. A new word will be sent to students for next week.

Need more information about Southdown Primary School? Send a message to Mr. Oshrin as