Huntington senior Craig Haas plans to study accounting at the University of Florida

Senior Craig Haas Chooses University of Florida

Huntington senior Craig Haas plans to study accounting at the University of Florida

May 8, 2020

Craig Haas likes to set high standards for himself. The Huntington High School senior has been one of the best Blue Devil runners and he’s also been a great student who has excelled academically. One by one he is accomplishing each of his goals and he plans to continue his penchant for success at the University of Florida next fall.

“I plan on majoring in accounting at the University of Florida,” Mr. Haas said. “So many things came to play for me. Whether it was having the sixth best accounting program among public universities, its own school for accounting, the southern atmosphere that I would love to live in after college and the great sports programs to watch and wind down with on weekends, everything met my checklist and made me feel happiest.”

 Huntington senior Craig Haas is headed to the University of Florida
Huntington senior Craig Haas is headed to the University of Florida

Mr. Haas is well versed in current events and politics and he can hold his own in any conversation. He is a man of strong opinions and convictions and he can back them up with facts and logic.

“One thing I’ve always loved about Huntington more than anything is its teachers,” Mr. Haas said. “I’ve built strong relationships with plenty of my teachers, because they truly care and love their students. Huntington has prepared me for college by always challenging me to do my best work.”

Mr. Haas works hard in every class. He likes to participate and get the most out of any situation. His quiet nature sometimes masks the fact that he’s a deep thinker who quickly moves beyond the superficial of every subject.

“My favorite courses have definitely been Advanced Placement Macro/Micro Economics with Mr. [James] Graber because of the intellectual diversity in his classes as well as Spanish V Honors with Mrs. [Lorena] Hickey because she always keeps things on a fun and positive note.”

The teenager has given the Blue Devil cross country, indoor and outdoor track teams everything he has, trying to run through painful injuries and cheering on his teammates and pushing them to reach personal bests.

“My favorite activity has definitely been running with the track team,” Mr. Haas said. “It’s so inspiring to run with some of the best in the state and the country and they have pushed me every day at practice. I have such amazing teammates like CJ Kiviat, Aidan Heller, Andrew Florville, and Nasir Youngblood who are all extremely supportive and lovable guys.”

Any incoming ninth grader could benefit from spending an hour with Mr. Haas, who would tell them all the ins and outs of Huntington High School, the “must take” courses and the activities to get involved in.

“I’d remind freshman that it’s ‘not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters most,’” Mr. Haas said. “I have lived by this quote every day for the past few years and it has given me a positive mindset that challenges me to be a better person every day.”

Mr. Haas makes his way around the high school effortlessly. He always manages to come across looking calm and collected and at ease with himself and others.

“My favorite high school teachers are by far Mr. [David] Moriarty and Mrs. [Lorena] Hickey,” Mr. Haas said. “Mr. Moriarty’s passion for teaching is indescribable and he will do whatever it takes to help his students. I always enjoy talking baseball and hockey with him whenever possible. Mrs. Hickey is such a lovable, caring teacher. I call her ‘madre’ all the time because she plays a motherly role in my life. She keeps me humble and we balance each other out. Also, Mr. [Michael] Graziano and Mr. [Paul] Caleca both remind me to not take myself too seriously. I love their sense of humor.”

The senior has loved being a Blue Devil, but he’s ready to move on with his life and enjoy a new set of experiences in Florida and beyond.

“I’m going to miss my teachers and running track, but I’m excited to be a Gator,” Mr. Haas said. “Things are just beginning!”

Huntington senior Craig Haas plans to study accounting at the University of Florida
Huntington senior Craig Haas plans to study accounting at the University of Florida
Huntington senior Craig Haas can't wait to be a University of Florda Gator
Huntington senior Craig Haas can't wait to be a University of Florda Gator