This is a really cool story. Nadeera Ali didn’t just skate through the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing school closure period of distance learning. The Huntington High School freshman put her time to good use, not only deftly handling all of her regular assignments, but completing a four week pre-college course offered by Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Ms. Ali is a remarkable young woman by any measure. “I was searching up online programs that I could do during the COVID-19 pandemic to make something out of it,” she said. “During my search, this program came up it and it was highly recommended by previous students.”

Huntington High School freshman Nadeera Ali.
The teenager is a great student and she’s always looking to learn more and improve herself.
“We learned about the heart and then went through the process of a patient having a heart attack and all the hospital staff and what goes on when a patient is admitted,” Ms. Ali said. “It was super cool, very engaging and quite informative. At the end I did the final project where I discussed the health outcomes of patients in rural areas, which was very interesting to learn about.”
Completing a four week pre-college course while simultaneously meeting all of the obligations of her Huntington High School classes is an incredible achievement, but Ms. Ali is, well, incredible. Just ask any of her teachers.
The teenager is currently closing out an exceptional year that saw her perform in the Blue Devil marching band with the clarinet section. Ms. Ali volunteers with Huntington’s Key Club chapter, participates in the Environmental Club and “loves” being involved in the high school’s science research program.
The freshman has been mentored by high school science research teacher Lori Kenny. “Her class sparked my love for science and biology,” Ms. Ali said.
Looking ahead, Ms. Ali plans to pursue a career as a physician. “Since I’m only a freshman, I don’t know what field of medicine I will specialize in, but I definitely am interested in a career as a doctor,” she said.