Huntington High School students will once again participate in a summer program at Nazareth College in Rochester.

Huntington School District Digest

Huntington High School students will once again participate in a summer program at Nazareth College in Rochester.

January 28, 2020

Huntington High School students will once again be participating in Nazareth College’s Camp College summer program, which will run from July 10-12.

“For three days (two nights) students will live in the residence halls on campus; attend classes taught by college professors; participate in workshops on admissions and financial aid; learn college interview and essay-writing techniques; gain leadership, teamwork, and networking experience,” according to a program profile.

“Camp College is a great opportunity to learn about the myriad post-secondary options in New York State and beyond,” states the program profile. “It is also a great way to meet new friends and mentors who will support you on your path to success after high school.”

Public Budget Meetings Set to Begin

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s state school aid proposal for 2020-21 has officially started this year’s public budget development cycle. Huntington UFSD officials have been at work for months on a new spending plan to fund operations beginning July 1, 2020.

Governor Cuomo has proposed a modest increase in school aid for the Huntington School District. The State Assembly and Senate will now take up the proposal. Final enactment of the state budget is due by April 1.

Huntington Superintendent James W. Polansky will discuss the governor’s proposal during a public meeting of the Huntington School Board on Monday, February 3 at 7:30 p.m. in the Adam Spector Memorial Auditorium at Jack Abrams STEM Magnet School on Lowndes Avenue.

The budget calendar includes:

February 3

Superintendent’s tax levy limit presentation at a public meeting of the Huntington School Board.

February 19

Working budget presented to Huntington School Board.

February 24

Huntington School Board meeting: Overview of budget for Board of Education, central administration and transportation codes.

March 9

Huntington School Board meeting: Overview of employee benefits, debt service, inter-fund transfer and capital projects codes.

March 23

Huntington School Board meeting: Overview of instruction and staffing needs/codes

Approval of propositions (including capital) other than the budget to be placed on the ballot.

April 6

Huntington School Board meeting: Overview of revenues and overall budget review.

April 20

Huntington School Board meeting: Adoption of budget.

May 11

Public hearing on budget at Jack Abrams STEM Magnet School at 7:30 p.m.

May 19

Budget vote by residents at Huntington High School from 6 a.m.–9 p.m.

Each of the budget meetings will begin at 7:30 p.m. and be held in the Jack Abrams STEM Magnet School auditorium. The public is welcome to attend and will be given an opportunity to address the trustees.

HHS Mid-Winter Band Concert on February 12

The highly anticipated Huntington High School mid-winter band concert is slated for Wednesday, February 12 at 7:30 p.m. Dozens of highly talented will be performed a variety of musical selections during the concert, which is free and open to the public. No tickets are required.

Social Studies Honor Society Induction

Huntington High School’s Social Studies Honor Society will hold its annual induction ceremony on Thursday at 7 p.m. in the School Heritage Museum (room 140).

Prospective members must have a minimum unweighted academic average of 90 in social studies courses and 85 overall. The society seeks to recognize excellence and promote engagement in social studies.

Teacher Kenneth Donovan serves as the organization’s faculty advisor.

Distinguished Seniors Dinner 2020

This year’s Distinguished Seniors dinner is set for Wednesday, April 29 at 6:30 p.m. in the Huntington High School gymnasium. The catered affair will honor the top members of the Class of 2020. Guest speakers will include Huntington High School Principal Brenden Cusask, Huntington School Board President Jennifer Hebert and Superintendent James W. Polansky.

A faculty member representing each of the district’s schools will be honored by the seniors.

Mix It Up at Lunch Day at Woodhull

Woodhull Intermediate School’s “Mix It Up at Lunch Day was inspired by the Teaching Tolerance Project. “Sixth grade students were encouraged to sit next to someone new during lunch,” Principal Lara Gonzalez explained. “The goal was to for students to engage with the classmates in positive, fun and healthy conversations. Mix It Up is an activity to help students move beyond their comfort zones and to explore new ways of relating to and getting to know the people around them.”

The initiative was coordinated by first year dean of students Julian Watts and sixth grade teacher Priya Mondkar. “Students were given a playing card and then asked to eat at a lunch table with the designated suit, such as hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades,” Dr. Gonzalez said. “Conversation starters were set on the tables. Some students performed short displays of talent as entertainment. Thanks, too, to Meg Matthews for playing her bagpipes.”

Dr. Gonzalez Mr. Watts, hope to make Mix It Up Mondays a regular part of students’ lunchtime experience for the rest of the school year. The plan is to extend it to the fourth and fifth grades as well.

Fourth Grade “Informances” a Hit

“Informances” at Woodhull Intermediate and Jack Abrams STEM Magnet School featured fourth grade chorus, orchestra and band students and programs earlier this month. The informal, informative performances showcased the techniques and methods learned by students since they began practicing their singing and playing their instruments in September.

“Music teachers Mitch Malle, Nicole Lynch and Katie Canales explained their process for teaching fourth graders their respective disciplines as students performed to a large group of parents and teachers in attendance,” Woodhull Principal Lara Gonzalez said. “Special thanks to Director of Fine and Performing Arts Eric Reynolds for helping to make this unique experience possible for students.”

A similar scene played out at Jack Abrams STEM Magnet School where parents and students were thrilled with the performances.

Jack Abrams STEM Magnet School fourth graders will perform in concert in the Huntington High School auditorium on Tuesday, June 9 with Woodhull Intermediate School fourth graders performing on Thursday, June 11. Both public concerts will begin at 7 p.m.

This group of 2019 Distinguished Seniors was exceptional in every way.
This group of 2019 Distinguished Seniors was exceptional in every way.
The fourth grade musical informances were a hit at Woodhull School.
The fourth grade musical informances were a hit at Woodhull School.
Woodhull School students are mixing it up in the cafeteria to expand their circle of friends
Woodhull School students are mixing it up in the cafeteria to expand their circle of friends
Huntington UFSD will begin to publicly discuss its budget for 2020-21 at a February 3 meeting.
Huntington UFSD will begin to publicly discuss its budget for 2020-21 at a February 3 meeting.