Huntington High School's New World Club is comprised of a great group of young people

New World Club’s Energetic Members Making a Difference

Huntington High School's New World Club is comprised of a great group of young people

December 7, 2020

Huntington High School’s New World Club is for the most energetic teenagers who are interested in becoming mentors and making a difference in the lives of fellow students that are new to the United States.

Mentors are screened and trained to work with recently enrolled English as a new language students. “Once matched, mentors serve as big brothers/sisters to the newcomer English learners and help them navigate a new life and culture in the US,” according to a presentation shared with high school students.

Yolanis Cabrera and Keylin Quintanilla serve as the organization’s co-presidents. The executive board also includes Angie Mata (vice president), Brenda Acevedo (publicist and Crochet for a Cause co-coordinator), Genesis Acevedeo (Crochet for a Cause co-coordinator, Finley Middle School co-liaison), Erik Flores (treasurer), Alejandra Arana (Finley Middle School co-liaison), Michelle Lopez (parent liaison) and Yanira Rivera (parent liaison). Teacher Eileen Gonzalez is the group’s faculty advisor and driving force.

There are many benefits to participating in the club and becoming a mentor. They include gaining valuable leadership skills, learning more about yourself, being a role model, making new friends, making a difference in someone’s life, earning community service hours, learning about different cultures and being able to list such a worthwhile activity on job and college applications.

The club participates in various initiatives, including Safe Halloween, K-Factor talent show, warm winter clothing drive, a partnership with Tri-CYA and the Crochet for a Cause program.

Interested? Students can join the organization by stopping by to see Ms. Gonzalez in Room 220 at the high school or sending her a message at Meetings are held on Wednesday’s at 4 p.m. on the Google Classroom platform. Use Remind and Text @newworldCI to 81010. 

New World Club members are exceptionally energetic and determined.
New World Club members are exceptionally energetic and determined.
Huntington High School New World Club faculty advisor Eileen Gonzalez.
Huntington High School New World Club faculty advisor Eileen Gonzalez.