The Huntington Highsteppers are on hold like all clubs and teams at Huntington High School. (Darin Reed photo)

Huntington Highsteppers Wait Like Everyone

The Huntington Highsteppers are on hold like all clubs and teams at Huntington High School. (Darin Reed photo)

August 7, 2020

The Huntington Highsteppers are in a holding pattern like every other extracurricular activity at Huntington High School. The competitive dance team is waiting to see if the COVID-19 pandemic relents and the green light is given to clubs and sports teams to resume operations.

This year’s senior captains are Hallie Armengau, Lainey Carney and Jailyn Fuentes. The junior captains are Jillian LoTurco and Ella Naima. Stacey Ambrosio will be returning at the dance team’s coach.

The squad’s returnees also include Jordan Rund, Kate Sheran, Jordan Cook, Brooke Evans, Grace Colavecchio, Victoria Befumo, Maria Sabatino, Sophia Thompson, Victoria Mangan, Katelin Smith, Christina Drummings, Alexa Rind and Keira Francis.

Last year’s team finished in 13th place in the pom competition at the Dance Team Union national championships at Orlando. The Highsteppers were among the top squads overall.

In a typical year, the Highsteppers would have had the 2020/21 team chosen by now and would be engrossed in training and rehearsals. The group also usually holds a summer fundraising event. All of that is on hold indefinitely.

“We’re still figuring out everything for tryouts and seeing if and when we can have them,” Ms. Armengau said.

Last year’s Highsteppers squad performed at the Homecoming Weekend bonfire and pep rally as well as at halftime of football and basketball games and at the Key Club’s K-Factor talent show. The group marched in the Homecoming Day parade and competed in several Long Island competitions.

The Highsteppers devote a remarkable amount of time to perfecting their routines. Most take dance classes and all of them pursue fitness and conditioning programs to stay in exceptional physical shape.

Once the COVID-19 pandemic relents, the Highsteppers hope to hold tryouts. There will be public announcements via the district’s website and social media platforms.