Principal Michelle Richards and librarian Sari Goldhaber with Washington School's top summer readers

Washington School Honors Top Summer Readers

Principal Michelle Richards and librarian Sari Goldhaber with Washington School's top summer readers

September 16, 2019

Washington Primary School celebrated its top summer readers by calling their names out over the building’s public address system and presenting them with a certificate and an assortment of prizes.

Principal Michelle Richards enthusiastically read the names of the honorees and encouraged their classmates to all join in a big round of applause. The group includes Joshua Ziman, Abigail Arelt, Savanna Sturges, Amber Murtaza, Lylah Murtaza, Jacob Arelt, Dylan Shrocchi and Samantha Graber.

“Reading throughout the summer is imperative for children as many will experience what is known as ‘summer slide,’” Dr. Richards said. “The beauty of the summer reading program is the children are able to engage with texts that they really want to read. Reading takes us to faraway lands and allows us to imagine the unimaginable. I like to call reading ‘the great escape!’”

Each of the Washington summer reading program all-stars were presented with a special book from the Principal’s Book of the Month collection from the 2018/19 school term or the current book for September 2019.

Students received either a copy of “Thank you, Mr. Faulker” by Patricia Polacco; “Tar Beach,” by Faith Ringgold; “A Fine, Fine School,” by Sharon Creech; or “Chrysanthemum,” by Kevin Henkes. In their prize packages, the honorees also received two bookmarks and five pencils all with a reading theme.

“Our goal is for our students to enjoy reading and see it as a wonderful necessity to life,” Dr. Richards said. “In the words of Dr. Theodor Seuss Geisel, ‘The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.’”